39- Leaving

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It was late again when I returned home today just like the last few days. I couldn't help it though, we have an urgent deadline and as I was working from home for so long some things had been pending. 

And it would be a lie if I say that it was just work. I just didn't want to face Yn yet. I needed time to think well and sort out all those new feelings that had risen in me. I know it might sound like a coward that instead of facing and accepting them I was in constant denial but I guess it was just my way . I was taking my time to be completely sure before taking any steps. 

When I entered home I was greeted by Nara who was cleaning the kitchen. As usual she asked if I had dinner and I just nodded. Yn must be in the bedroom getting ready for bed. I know once she realises I am back home she will come to my room or office wherever I am to ask about my day. Even though I just give her dry replies she still makes sures to check on me everyday. 

I had just taken the first step when the doorbell rang. 

"I will check" I told Nara as she was busy doing the dishes. 

It was past 9, who would visit now? 









"Who-" my entire existence froze the moment my eyes locked with the ones I was madly in love with. The face I woke up to everyday. The woman who was my everything. 


Namjoon stood there frozen , blankly staring at the unexpected guest. It had been 5 years..5 years since he last saw or heard from her. the day they fought she left him and never turned back. Then why was she here now? 

"J..joonie" Emily choked a sob finally seeing the man she was here for. 

She tried to jump in his arms , like she always used to but unlike the old days Namjoon took a step back. His face is still void of any emotions. 

Her heart broke the moment he refused her hug but still she just ignored the ache in her heart well aware that she was the cause for it. 

"I..it's been . How are you?" She asked, trying not to let her emotions flow through her eyes. 

Unlike her, who was overwhelmed with emotions, completely failing in hiding them, Namjoon was just blank . His face was neutral. No-one could read his face . 

Upon not hearing any response she began to speak further. 

"I haven't been well ever since I left ... I know you must have so many questions...so much anger , you must be wanting to yell at me .  But just know that I am really sorry for whatever I did . I was young and stupid. I thought that money was so important . But trust me Joon I have changed I have realised no one can love me like you... No one can treat me better. I..I..am sorry please say something. I am your Emily " 

She again took a step in his direction but almost immediately he took a few back. 

"W..why are you here?" He finally found himself asking the question he wanted but was unable to due to the sudden shock. He had a rollercoaster of emotions going within him , one he couldn't explain in words. There were different emotions all over the place. 

"F..for you BABY. I have realised my mistake. I know I was wrong and I am ready to do anything to earn your trust again. I love you so much... so much that I can't live without you and I know you love me too.. I know you are single, you never dated anyone in the past 5 years because you couldn't forget me-" 

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