45- Small world

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The lunch was hands down the best meal of your life and it wasn't about the food. It was about the people and that feeling.

The table was filled with laughter and giggles.

You mother couldn't stop showering you with the compliments for *the best meal of her life* in her words. Bam and others also appreciated that the food was very delicious, which made you so happy. It was always these small things that you craved for, preparing meals for your family, people appreciating it. Having meals together; this was all you wanted in your life.

Your mom sat right beside you with Yun on her lap.

Not only did I get my daughter back but also such an adorable grandson, I could fly in happiness right now. " She kept repeating the same line over and over again, making you smile each time. You hadn't expected her to be so happy  to meet Yun  but nevertheless it made you extremely happy.

Jimin was definitely a very funny guy, he kept cracking silly jokes which kept everyone entertained. Although you both didn't talk too much, he was such a flirt and he was shamelessly flirting with you giving you extra sweet compliments right in front of you mother and brother who didn't seem to mind. Probably used to his nature.

you couldn't help but notice the strange discomfort  and the fake smiles on the duo that sat opposite to you. You also noticed them taking secret glances at one another.

Bam had been awfully quiet since everyone came and it's just your hunch that tells that it had something to do with the entry of the beautiful woman, Rhea that he kept stealing glances of every now and then.

After the lunch, Riha insisted that your mother rests, it was vital for her especially after the long travel they had done considering her health. Despite a lot of declining and whining, Atlast she agreed when Yun decided to join her. It was good since you had to put him to sleep anyway. So after giving him his meds you took him to her room.

Her eyes twinkled with love and joy when you entered. There was so much to be said, so much that you both wanted to talk about but something didn't let you. Maybe with time you would grow more comfortable talking to her.  It was just the first day after all.

On Yun's request she agreed to tell him a story . So you left the duo but your mother made sure to kiss your head reminding you how grateful she was  that you were here and it managed to make you emotional just like every other tiny thing that were enough to make you cry.

It was two days back when you broke down crying just because Lily cancelled her plan with you . And mind you it wasn't something new, you were quite accustomed to Lily ghosting you due to her emergency cases but somehow it was enough to accuse her that she doesn't want to spend time with you anymore now that she has a boyfriend and you don't. Had she not been your doctor she definitely would be shocked by your irrelevant accusation. But she knew your hormones better.


"I hope you don't mind me being here" you asked sitting on the same bench admiring the belt of flowers in the garden, your favourite spot.

"Of Course not. In Fact we haven't gotten a chance to talk properly yet. You seem such a wonderful person I would love to know" She smiled giving you a soft smile.

You couldn't help but notice the dullness on her face, you don't consider yourself as some face reader but you do know you are quite good at reading people's emotions.

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