What are they 💗

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so there isnt going to be that lone parts considering, that i only joined three years ago :))


Sublimnals are affrimations with normally music over them, there are all types off different sublimnals raning to looks to desired life. 

Now onto what they really are, that was just a samll little thing. 

Subliminal" means words such as "i am " with your desired results. by Put simply, subliminal audio refers to sounds played at a level you are unable to hear consciously – but that your subconscious mind can perceive.

Subliminal (audio) messages are affirmations that bypass your conscious mind and go straight into your subconscious. These hidden positive affirmations are embedded in the music (sometimes), just below your hearing level. Because your conscious mind is not aware of the subliminal suggestions underlying the music, it can't put up barriers against it. That's why subliminal affirmations avoid any resistance, which would usually hold you back.

Your conscious mind will hear only music... but there is much more happening behind the scenes! With repeated listening, your subconscious mind begins to accept the suggestions as true. Day by day, it'll become easier for you to reach your goals because you now have tapped into the power source – your subconscious mind.

 Day by day, it'll become easier for you to reach your goals because you now have tapped into the power source – your subconscious mind

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