How to use/do and donts💟

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(im going to link a video to watch that helped me with them)

Sublimnals can do all types off things, like i said in the first part they go into your subconscious mind and trike it to give you the results. These messages can be used for anything really. Weight loss, hair growth, less strike parents, carbon copys of some body parts. 

Basically what im saying is it turns you 2D(desired things) into your 3D(real life) by reality shifting. Before you get scared we shift every second, so there is no need to worry. If anything doubting your ability to shift and or take in the subliminal messages will SLOW down the past off you getting your desired results. 

Do and don'ts part is kind off confusing. 

We shall start off with do's.


Afferm your reality and results you want, example "I am skinny" 

Drink water, you could get headaces

Read the description, ALWAYS

Try wear headphones for the ones with frequencys 

Depending on the sublimnal listen more then once (1-5) times


Unfortunately there will probally be more donts then do's

Do not use a sublimnal to change your race...

Try not to be negitve 

Dont obsess over your results

don't look n the mirror right after (weight two hours)

Don't use sublimnals to get a metal disorder

Dont use sublimnas for bad things, examples "get away with murder" "parents die"

Try not to spred to tiktok, htey are toxic. 


1. Belave in yourself 

2. mute a video before watching

3. read comments

4. use channels with alot off subscibers or postive comments

 use channels with alot off subscibers or postive comments

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