Authour's Note & Info

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[You can skip the Author's Note, and go straight to the Info but read if you feel the need to prepare yourself for the experience that is entering into the mind of a stranger namely, yours truly]

Dear person who decided to check this book out, 

Thank you VERY much. Do not be afraid to give me your honest opinion, I appreciate constructive criticism and discussions (about literally anything, I love understanding how others think). You can pm me. And I'd love to be friends with my readers.

It is important I stress that, going into this book you will find mistakes and cringey writing (we are not pros round here, one day we might be but these are just our rough drafts.) As for my case, if I don't like certain things or if I find they don't agree with a change in plot I will alter them in the already published chapters so bare this in mind if you find changes. Also, you will find grammatical errors, I'm sorry, my only excuse...English is sorta like a second language. And lastly, just silly mistakes in plot that you might notice and if you feel like you should bring this to my attention, please do, but respectfully.

Alot of what I have written stem from my beliefs and I'm essentially writing what I know best, so please excuse my inexperience in certain areas, I'm still young, and I let my imagination make up for my lack of knowledge. If you are more experienced and feel the need to correct me or offer another side to the topic, again you can do so in the comment section or just PM me if you want to talk one on one.

Scales and Swords was completed on 11/12/2022 and is currently being edited.

Yup, I think that's about it, peace✌🏽

uh, hope you enjoy it. I guess.

(Yes Dwight was very intentional. Since you've decided to enter the circus that is my mind you might as well know that the office is my first choice of comedy, romance and drama)

I N F O:


Human: innovators and pioneers of technology. They are also known as the 'bridge race' for being the race who brought all the others together, thus establishing themselves as rulers. Incapable of magic.

Fairies: small, winged beings, capable of magic, who gain their energy from nature and at the same time sustain it. The source of their life-force varies according to their subgroup. Subgroups of fairies include;

1. Water fairies: control water in all its forms.

2. Garden fairies: cultivate the soil.

3. Light fairies: control light from the sun, stars and the moon.

4. Weather fairies: control air-currents, temperature and lightning.

5. Animal fairies: assist in the care of animals.

Elf: little men and women with distinct skin tones each representing an element of which their magic is based upon. Red for fire. Purple for earth. Blue for water. And green for air.

Troll: round, burly, man-like beings who live within and on the earth. Earth formations are usually guarded and belong to a certain clan of trolls; caverns, volcanoes, cliffs, hills, mountains, rivers, waterfalls etc...

Florial: plant-beings who live within woodlands. Each florial possess the ability of their specified plant. Said to have been created from fairy magic, though they are as ancient as any other race.

Mermaid: half men, half fish people who live underwater. For a long time, they were not recognized members of the land-dwellers' society, but by the beginning of the human monarchy their kingdom was incorporated into that of the land-dwellers.

Ogre: Monstrous-beastly creatures once known for their cannibalistic ways. They are large and powerful. And their roars are deafening.

Cyclops: one-eyed large men and women. With keen scents and a resistance to flames. At times they may be slow-witted but they still constitute a large portion of the finest artist of Kreatier. It is also said that they are capable of foreseeing the future.

Centaur: beings whose upper body is that of a human man and the lower body of a steed. Fastest creatures that walk the earth.

Mages: Mage is a term that describes those capable of magic. But is usually used to refer to the human-looking race capable of magic. Do not confuse mages to humans. They may look completely  human but if they can do magic they're either not human or Vuruks. Classified into 3 different groups;

1. Nature: alters the living part of nature. That is plants and animals. E.g; nurses and doctors.

2. Energy: manipulation of the different forms of energy. E.g. light, sound, etc...

3. Elemental: alters and manipulates the four elements; earth, fire, water and air.

4. Mental: manipulates people (minds). 

*Though simple spells such as invisibility and levitation, etc... can be performed by all mages.

Dragons: humungous fire-breathing winged reptiles. Now thought to be extinct.

Sprites: similar in physique to fairies but are classified as a completely different race due to their only magic being mental magic. They are the most powerful when they are together. And they hate being mistaken for fairies.

*there are, of course, many other races but they are less dominant and rare compared to the mentioned. 

(everyone knows what fairies and elves are but their characteristics vary from author to author thus my not-so detailed details of the races of Kreatier)

And to end with a quote from my main man Toby, "Magic is strange."

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