69: A New World

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Babies cry, alot. When they aren't crying they're sleeping or eating. But even if they sleep you never know when they'll wake. So you learn to sleep lightly or not at all, lest you won't hear them.

This was the little knowledge I had accumulated over two days. I had help of course, the moms came around to assist, reluctantly though. They didn't seem to trust me just as yet, which was fully expected. I learned as much as I could from them. But I felt just as ready as I did when Mr Jara took me to that tournament with only a night's practice.

Tsiho refused to sleep. And only wanted to cry and keep crying. She had eaten her florial nutrient baby juice and her nappies had been changed but that didn't stop her from belting her little lungs out.

"Tsiho," I cooed. Yawned. Brushed the sleep from my eyes. "Tsiho, are you hungry?" I was loosing it, I realized, babies couldn't talk.

She responded with another wail. Migraines sparked across my head. I cradled her in my arms and walked from end of the room to the other, rocking her as I sang her lullabies. It didn't work.

A knock at the door was the last thing I needed. Was what I thought, but it turned out to be exactly what I needed.

Philip was at the door, carrying a crate of milk jars. He grinned and stepped through without so much as an invitation. He darted to the kitchen, filled one of Tsiho's bottle with milk and took her out of my arms. As soon as the rubber teat touched her lips, her crying ceased. And I finally felt free to breathe.

"Milk," I heaved. "She wanted milk."

Philip smirked, holding Tsiho in one hand and the bottle in the other. "She's a baby. Babies love milk." His gaze fell to my chest and my cheeks flamed.


His gaze snapped to mine, as a goofy grin stretched across his face. "Just checking." He went to seat himself on the couch.

I regarded him as I sat opposite of them. "You seem to be good at this...?"

"I had cousins, who had children, which made me an uncle early. Babysitting was my first job."

"I used to babysit for mom when she was busy, but I only ever watched Ray sleep." I cringed.

"Well now you have this little one to take care of."

A yawn left me. "Sorry."

"Go get some sleep, I'll watch over her till she falls asleep."

"No it's alright, I'll wait for her to sleep."

"You aren't exactly useful right now. How can you take care of another if you're sleep deprived and exhausted. Go."

I agreed but I was stubborn. And hesitant. So I swore I'd only sleep for half an hour. But what was only so many minutes turned into hours and the sun was setting by the time I woke.

I jolted out of bed and barreled into the living room. Tsiho was fast asleep in her cot. And Philip rested beside her on the couch. I couldn't remember why I was so scared. Perhaps its normal to worry for a baby. And perhaps that feeling never really goes away.

"Your dinners on the table."

I jumped out of my skin. Philip had sat up and was watching me, had been watching me for some time now. He chuckled and patted the seat beside him.

I took the seat, but with great hesitation. "Thank you," I said all too stiffly.

"Don't mention it."

"You should've woke me though."

"Mo." He laced his fingers through mine and turned to face me. "You can always rely on me."

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