41: Save Everyone

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Philip is a monster.

And I didn't just realize that. I always suspected he was. He was that good of a swordsman if he could teach me so much so fast and so good. I guess war shapes the best warriors, and that was evident in everyone, Brise, Rowan and even Lucius.

While I was helping an old lady out of a building, I caught Philip striking down a whole gang of men one after the other. He parried and attacked more than one man at the same time. But if they didn't get a taste of his sword a sneaky root would creep out of the earth and coil around them till only their eyes were visible.

Rowan was racing atop buildings sending bolts of lightning at his targets below, and every time he did it would succeed a clap of thunder.

Lucius fought diligently with a spear, as I watched him, he made sure not to hit his opponent's vital spots. It wasn't long after we arrived when the other guards joined in the fight and rescue. Capital guards and a few of the king's guards themselves. Ingram, Leofwin and Eve. That left, KB, Hugh and Berenice to protect the king.

Ingram and Leofwin worked like parts of a well-oiled machine. Ingram brought up the nearby river's water and laid a mist over the capital. Leofwin cast a rain spell that brought upon a light shower. And soon all the fires were out. Eve on the other hand went to work securing the perpetrators. All those who were unlucky enough to receive her arrow, simply dropped unconscious. And then they'd stand, eyes closed, and walk towards the castle. But even then there was still so many of them out there. So many I didn't recognize. Cyr would have told us about an attack, right? Unless, they weren't with Cyr.

They were here to steal and destroy, it seemed. And they came prepared to exhaust us with the lot of them. But even I knew, the capital of all places, was the worst place to raid, with every inch of it crawling with guards. And the best of them, at that.

Lance even joined, fighting with a sword as though it were an extension of himself. As I watched him fight, I couldn't help but see Philip's techniques. The way they held the sword, from the placement of their fingers, to the way they moved, with ease and precision, aiming to disable, never striking more than once. They took down many in mere seconds. Like master and student.

But all chaos ceased when the green smoke arrived. I'm told it came with a voice. Filling their lungs and their eyes, forcing them to their knees and out of the fight, the rebels were utterly defeated.

"Higgins," Philip said, watching his opponents fall. "She's back."

Lance sheeted his sword, nodding. "Aye, Lady Higgins has returned."


"Look," Brise grunted. "I don't mean to be rude, but we don't have the time to sit around and chat."

Lance glanced wearily at the empty halls then pushed the door to the guard's lounge open. We followed him in and he locked the door behind us.

"What's going on Lance?" Philip asked.

Immediately after the green smoke arrived, Lance rounded Brise, Lucius, Rowan, Philip and I and practically dragged us up into the castle, saying that we needed to speak.

"I received your message," Lance said. He seemed quite disturbed, since the last time I saw him. His eyes heavy, gaze unsteady, he kept a straight face but he couldn't hide the fact that something was haunting him and it would soon haunt us as well. "You kids are going to need to take a seat for this one."

"Is it true?" Rowan asked. "Did the king really dethrone his nephew?"

"The prince was away on a trip at sea," Lance began. "When his ship was attacked by sirens. He was saved all thanks to Adamaris, his maid. But she was only able to save him because she is a siren as well. As soon as they were back on land, the prince was rescued and she was arrested. When the prince heard of what had happened he refused to sit back and watch his uncle end the life of the woman who had saved his life. So he used all he could to rid her of her punishments. He chose to marry her to spare her life. Sirens, as you know are not part of Kreatier. Which was why the king couldn't bless their marriage. By law he was dethroned."

For a moment, none of us said a word.

"Then who told Cyr?" Philip asked what was probably on all our minds.

"I haven't told anyone else about your message. And I hope you will do the same. I will handle this. I only ask for your trust."

"Of course," Philip said. "We won't speak a word of this, right everyone?" He looked around at each of us.

I nodded, Lucius followed, Rowan then Brise—reluctantly.

"Well then what will the others think of us returning?" Rowan asked.

"You've located Cyr, correct?" Lance prodded.


"Then you have a message to deliver."

Silence followed. I looked to Lance, he nodded knowingly.

I hesitated. "If the crown prince has been dethroned, then who will take his place?"

"That is, up to the king."


People don't look the same when you know the things they've done, dad told me once. I wish it weren't true. I wish I could go back to being unaware, then things will look beautiful again. When KB hugged me and said that she'd missed me, I hated that I wondered if she was the spy. When I saw Eve, I wondered if she had purposely sent us away to get rid of us. I couldn't even look Ingram or Leofwin in the eye, not when I thought so badly of them. And even Berenice who hardly ever raised her voice, I wished I didn't think the quiet ones were the most suspicious.

I skipped dinner and opted for wallowing in my worries, when Lance joined me out in the castle garden, just as the sun was setting.

"Worrying isn't good for you," he said, seating himself beside me.

I guess he'd know best. "Are you a mind reader?" I asked him, trying a smile.

He laughed. "I've just lived a long life and met many people. Over the years you gather knowledge without realizing it, just like how a baby learns how to talk and walk and fly, if it's that kind of baby, just by watching others." He tapped his foot and glanced about casually. "You've all passed the ethics test. You've all fought for his majesty in the war. I'm sure whoever that person is, they have a good reason. Don't be afraid to look them in the eye. So, allow me to carry this burden. You and Philip and the others, focus on the task at hand. Whatever Cyr asks of you, do it like you mean it. His informant could have told him of you. Be alert and be safe."

"Thanks," I swallowed. "But, is it wrong to wish to save everyone?"

"It's never wrong to wish everyone prosperity. But it just isn't possible. I've let down my fair share of people and even to this day, it hangs on my heart." He stared off towards the setting sun, his eyes distant. "It's never wrong to know that you did you're best but still failed. Some things just aren't meant to happen a certain way." I wasn't sure if he was speaking to me or to himself, either way his words comforted me and put me at ease.

That was until, Philip arrived. "Mo!" he called.

"Take care of him, Mo," Lance said, his eyes now filled with fondness as he watched Philip jog towards us. "Take care of each other. For time teaches you much but never what is to come."

Philip came to a halt before us, grabbing at his knees, breathing heavily, he pointed back towards the castle. "Higgins, come meet, her."

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