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As I walked up towards the house I could see the light on in Sunghoon's office, meanwhile he once in a while would walk past the window, seemingly talking down the phone.

I quietly parked the bike along the wall of the house before just quietly walking inside and straight up the stairs towards the maid room. Only being stopped on the way up the stairs by Sunoo, who were frowning at me.

"Everything alright miss?" he questioned and I quietly nodded, "the sir, he seems stressed?"

"He had to go suddenly, I know nothing," I shook my head at him as he just sent me an apologetic look, "if you don't mind. I think I'd go to bed... a lot of things happening in one day."

"Would you like some tea? Milk?" Sunoo questioned and I just shook my head before walking past him and continuing up the stairs.

I quietly continued down to the maidroom, where my suitcase quietly laid on the bed I had been so used to two years ago. A small smile slowly crept onto my face as I pushed down on the mattress, still the same feeling.

I zipped up my suitcase and rumaged through the few things I had to find my pajamas. For some reason I had laid it in the bottom of the suitcase, but at least I found it. I quickly managed to change into the pajamas before rumaging through my suitcase to find my toothbrush and toothpaste.

I was immediately snapped out of my train of thoughts by two knocks on my door. As I looked up Sunghoon stood leaned against the doorframe, hands in pockets. I seemed to freeze completely, as if I had been caught in the midst of doing something I wasn't supposed to. But I'm pretty sure it was an appropriate time for me to brush my teeth.

"Can I help you...?" I hesitantly questioned as he just stayed silent.

"Asisstant Kim said you were going to bed," he excused, "I wanted to say good night."

"Oh but I thought... I thought you were busy," I excused and he let out a small sigh as he shook his head at me, "but you had to go so suddenly."

"Secretary Shim made it sound so urgent, it wasn't that important," he shook his head before pushing away from the doorframe, "I'm sorry for leaving so quickly."

"It's fine," I assured as I turned back to my toothbrush and toothpaste, "good night."

"When will you move into my room?" he questioned and I glanced over at him, "too fast?"

"Yeah," I nodded at him, "I only just came back after two years. I get I accepted the engagement but we have to build a whole lot up, okay? I wanna go through the cutesy couple fase..."

"But," he stated, deducting on my voice that was more to it then I had let off.

"I had time to think when I walked home, after you left," I pointed out and he hummed as he looked up at me with an expectant face, "and the last time I was here... some real messed up things happened..."

"I know..." he quietly muttered with a sigh before looking down towards the ground as if he was a kid that just got scolded.

"So what I need is to get to know you all over again, to confirm my feelings, and I need that to happen without all those things happening again," I pointed out as Sunghoon just stayed silent, "so what I need from you is to see that you're willing to be patient with me in that progress, and that you actually still have the same feelings without being an alocholic, manipulative boss, or threatening CEO. Alright?"

"Yeah," he whispered with a small nod.

"And another thing," I stated making him just lift his head and look at me, "I think secretary Shim and assistant Kim is deserving of a small raise. As far as I could understand on assistant Kim you've put more pressure on secretary Shim, and been very demanding of Assistant Kim, ever since I left."

"It's already in their year bonus," Sunghoon assured with a nod, "so... we start from the beginning, but I still have an advantage that you can't see other men, because of the ring," he remarked and pointed to my hand.

"I wouldn't have seen other men nonetheless. If I give you a chance that means I am not gonna see anyone else," I hummed at him as he quietly nodded, "you know what messed up things I'm talking about?"

"Yeah," he nodded in assurance, "I know... and if it helps... I have -- in my office I have a bookshelf and if you feel like you need to check if I'm serious about this... I have two shelves full of books written about how to keep a healthy relationship. Because I do realize that I'm the problem when it comes to us, and I'm so desperate to get my things sorted so you can be as happy as you possibly can."

"It's not that I don't trust you. I don't need to see those books. I need you to show me that you're ready to change that old attitude towards me," I reminded him sternly, "I need to see you be sincere with your feelings and your wishes, alright?"

Sunghoon quietly nodded before letting out a small breath and closing his eyes before looking up at me again.

"Can I peck your cheek to say goodnight and sorry for leaving you at the river?" he questioned and I quietly nodded.

Sunghoon quickly stood up from the bed and pressed his lips softly against my cheek, smoothing down my hair on top of my head before muttering a small "goodnight" to me.

I watched as Sunghoon quietly walked out of the room, glancing back at me before closing the door with a small smile sent my way.

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