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A small laugh escaped me as Sunghoon and I finally reached the 24-hour mart. Without any hesitation I put on my face mask and softly tugged Sunghoon with me inside, once he actually had gotten his mask on as well.

"What are we even looking for?" Sunghoon questioned as he glanced around, shoving his other hand into his pocket while following me like a child holding onto his mom.

"Hm, whatever we desire," I shrugged, "night snacks and such... I suppose."

Sunghoon hummed before looking around, momentarily pausing and letting loose on my hand as something had caught his eye. I was quick to look over and check on what he had seen, immediately tugging him in another direction.

"But I want-" Sunghoon started as I just shook my head.

"We're gonna make a deal now," I stated and he frowned down at me as I stepped in front of him and crossed my arms, pulling down my mask so he could see my whole face, "for the sake of your liver... and partially for me and you, you're not gonna get any alcohol. Okay?"

"For how long?" he questioned, visibly glancing towards the part of the store I had seen a few wine bottles.

"At least a year," I replied and I'm pretty sure I heard him stop breathing as he slowly looked down at me, "promise me Sunghoon. You won't drink alcohol for that year, and you most definitely won't do it behind my back. You hear me?"

"Only because I love you," he hummed before pulling down his mask and leaning over to plant a soft kiss on my forehead, "so what should we get? I really liked those dried mangoes."

"Your taste in snacks is that of a grandpa," I commented as I grabbed his hand again and pull him down towards the snack aisle.

Sunghoon let out a small chuckle behind me as I absentmindedly began roaming up and down the aisles, looking for a certain snack which I had been craving lately, and no it's not Sunghoon, that's more like a three-course-meal. 

"Sieun?" Sunghoon softly questioned as he walked up behind me and rested his hands on my waist, which was covered warmly up by my hoodie.

"Hm?" a small hum escaped me as I turned my head to look at him as his head leaned down to hover just above my shoulder.

"I'm gonna go look for something real quick, I promise it's not alcohol. It's just something I've thought about for a while, okay?" he whispered and I just nodded, looking at him with confusion but still not wanting to push onto what it is he has to go get, "I'll be right back, okay?"

"No alcohol," I quietly reminded him and he just nodded in assurance.

"I promise you it's not alcohol, it's something you'll be much more happy about," he assured and gave my waist a small squeeze before dorpping his hands and wandering off.

I quietly watched as Sunghoon walked off down the aisle and turned to the right at the end, disappearing out of my sight. Once again I turned back to the food shelves in front of me, eagerly searching for the snacks I was looking for.

Slowly getting more and more bummed as I struggled to find anything but the dried mangos Sunghoon wanted. Eventually giving up I leaned back on my heels before hearing the sound of a plastic bag rustling close by. Turning my head to my right I could see Sunghoon marching proudly towards me with brightly colored packages in his hands.

"I suppose we don't have any of these at the house," Sunghoon excused as he walked closer and I was able to see he had gotten a wide range of pads, in all sizes and from different brands.

I didn't say anything I just stood quietly and stared at the packages in utter disbelief. He had really just gone to get me pads and not even going down to grab a bottle of wine or such on the way.

"What?" Sunghoon questioned, his snicker audible through the tone of his voice.

"I'm just... I guess I'm just stunned," I admitted as I shook my head in disbelief and a small laugh escaped him, "but uhm... I found your dried mangoes grandpa," I commented and held up the package in front of me.

"Ey, stop," he complained with a small laugh as he grabbed the bag from me, "you need anything else?"

"I don't know, pick something for me," I excused and he immediately turned to the shelves, reaching out and grabbed a small package of chocolate filled biscuits.

"You like these?" he questioned, "they're in the shape of small animals, fits just right for a small kid, don't you think?"

"Oh I see how it is," I commented and he let out a small laugh before deciding that the biscuits were my snack by marching right up to pay for what he had in his arms, "Sunghoon you don't have to pay for the pads I can just buy-"

"Nonsense, this is something a good boyfriend does," he insisted as he continued up and placed the things on the cashier.

I quickly rushed after and quietly stood beside Sunghoon as the cashier scanned all the products and asked for the money. I couldn't help but notice the slight pink tint that peeked over the edge of his mask as he packed it into our shopping bag, which I had brought for us.

I don't know what or why but somehow a small smile made it onto my face as I looked up at Sunghoon concentrating on packing our things. When he noticed he just grabbed my hand in his and pulled me out of the store with him.

"So... now that we've done this, what is the next step?" Sunghoon questioned as he pulled off his mask and I just pulled mine down.

"I don't know," I shrugged quietly swinging our hands a bit back and forth, "maybe that date with Jake and his girlfriend. See how you act in social situations like that."

"You think I'm incabale of being social?" he questioned and I looked up at him as a small smile stayed on his face, only faltering more the more I just looked up at him.

"I mean... in business matters-" I started making him immediately cut me off.

"I can be social, okay?" he questioned, "I'll ask Jake what the plan with the date is, and I'll let you know soon as possible. Okay?"

"Okay," I hummed with a small nod.

"But now I really want to get back in bed," Sunghoon excused to which I snickered in amusement, "if you ever plan on waking me this early again make sure it's because you want to cuddle up in my bed and not because we're going grocery shopping."

"Noted," I assured with a small laugh, "only for cuddles."

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