Chapter 3 - Ggyul

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'Ggyul.' I had to Google translate it as soon as I arrived home. It meant tangerine. My heart sped up at the thought that my phone number was in Min Yoongi's phone under 'Tangerine.' Why did he want my number? Is he going to call or text me? No. Surely not. What kind of expectation was that? Very irrational.

A week passed, very turtle like. I worked, slept, ate, dreamed, and just simply lived life. Every single notification that dinged on my phone made my heart leap. I thought it was my moonlit date. You know when you go on a first date with a guy you really like, and you want desperately for them to call? That was me. Except that wasn't a date and this wasn't just some normal guy.

Thursday, at about five in the afternoon, my patience finally paid off. My phone vibrated with a text notification. I stupidly waited a second before snatching up my phone and unlocking it. There it was. A text from an unknown number. It said 'Tangerine. What are your plans tomorrow?' My heart raced, then skipped a few beats, then stopped all together. It was Min Yoongi. Calling me tangerine. The swarm of butterflies flew inside my stomach again.

What was I doing tomorrow? I had to work. I never called off, but if there were ever a reason to fake illness, it was this. I decided to play coy with him. 'Who is this?' I texted back. I bit my nails in anticipation of the return text. Unfortunately, it did not come as quickly as I wanted it to. I decided to watch some Netflix in the meantime. To get my mind off it. But as you can imagine, that failed. I had some pasta delivered to my house for dinner. I was shoveling a bite of my chicken alfredo in my mouth when my phone pinged again.

'You know who this is. Unless you feed all the guys you meet tangerines.' I giggled to myself. I looked at the time. It took him an hour and a half to respond to me. So, it took every bit of willpower I had to not type back immediately. I was going to make him wait as well. I bet Yoongi is used to people falling over themselves to impress him. I wasn't going to be a part of that sheep herd.

I laid in bed, listening to my BTS playlist when 'Seesaw' randomly came on. I sat up immediately and felt nervous. Just hearing him sing in my ears. It was eight at night now, I waited long enough. I reached for my phone and replied to him. 'I'm not working tomorrow, not sure what I want to do. Why?' I laid my phone back on my bed.

This felt like some surreal dream. Like this was a fantasy I had produced inside my brain. I pinched myself, just in case. Ouch, nope, not asleep. And I probably wasn't going to sleep any time soon. How could I sleep when I'm waiting for a text back from Suga, Min Yoongi?

I un-paused my music and slipped back into my musical heaven. Yoongi rapping and singing in my ears. Somehow this song became even more emotional to me. I felt like I was on a seesaw with him now. But not from fighting and making up. But from all the rollercoaster like emotions he was putting me through. I saw my phone light up again. Heart, don't stop beating, not just yet. Let me live for now.

It was my mom. I love my mom to death, but now, I was upset that it was her. I texted her back and then another message came in. It appeared at the top of my phone. 'Want to meet me for lunch after my shoulder rehab tomorrow?'

Was this real life? Some cruel prank. Surely, I was dreaming now. I performed another pinch test. Nope, wide awake.


'Yeah. You eat, don't you?'

'Of course, I eat.'

'My rehabilitation is at Mercy's Rehab Facility at two o'clock.'


'I'll text when I'm out.'


I was trying my hardest to not sound overly eager. What girl wouldn't be overly eager about lunch with Min Yoongi? My head swam. I was dizzy. From my fears, anxiety, and my thoughts about how this was a staggering reality. I let out a high-pitched sigh. This man, what was he doing to my heart?

Panic set in, as it usually does these days. I need to get my hair done; my makeup done. What was I going to wear? Yoongi was going to see me in broad daylight. No dark shadows to hide my imperfections this time.

Just then, it's like he read my mind, and texting one last time. 'Wear something black.' Oh absolutely, I thought. Your wish is my every reason to live, King Yoongi. I leapt out of my bed and ran over to my closet. Something black. Not too flashy, that kind of thing isn't important to him. I've seen the videos on YouTube where all the BTS boys talked about their ideal type of girl.

Frantically fingering through my closet, I found some black skinny jeans, and a cute black blazer. 'What else?' I wondered to myself. Then I rediscovered a sequin white tank top I hadn't worn for a while. I threw the items into my washer and dumped detergent in after them, turned on the cycle. I wanted to smell good, for sure. I picked out a black and white necklace and a pair of hoop earrings. I suddenly remembered seeing a video of Yoongi smelling a flower and saying it smelled good. So, I dug out my floral perfume and set it out. I was mostly ready. Now if only my brain will let me get some sleep.

 Now if only my brain will let me get some sleep

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