Chapter 4 - Lunch

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Today could not be going any slower. It was ten in the morning, and I was already prepared and ready to go. Except I had to wait like four more hours. I cleaned, watched tv, ate, called my mom, texted some friends. I haven't told anyone about this. This was my wonderful secret. My slice of heaven, and I wasn't sharing it with anyone alive. For now.

Finally! Two in the afternoon hit. He was at his rehabilitation appointment. I zoned out, trying to imagine him working his shoulder around. Yoongi was hit by a car several years ago. He only recently had surgery, or so I read. He is in rehab trying to regain full function of his arm. I truly wished him the best. I then began to wonder if he was excited to see me, even a little. I was a mess, thinking about seeing him again. I was shaky, sweaty and my stomach was in knots. I barely ate anything today. I kept reapplying deodorant in panic that all this stress sweat may make me stink.

It appeared I had time to freshen up. I had googled earlier the location of that facility. It was a half hour from here, but in NY miles, it's longer than that. He probably wants to eat somewhere nearby there. I touched up my makeup some. Flattened the flyaways in my hair and had lint rolled my black clothes probably six times throughout the day. I didn't go too heavy with the makeup. Kept it natural with neutral pigments.

Suddenly my phone dinged, and I dropped my hairbrush. 'I'm done.' There he was. I decided to add him into my contacts. I saved his number under Min Yoongi and got butterflies from seeing his messages now display his name. I smiled playfully to myself.

'Who is this again?'

'Hm. I don't like this game.'

'Sorry. Where did you want to eat?'

'Shouldn't you pick? You live here. Find a place with good steak or pork.'

My old rival named Panic returned. I needed to pick somewhere good. This was the most significant choice I could be making in my lifetime. He wanted something with steak or pork. A steakhouse? Should I take a South Korean to an American style steakhouse? Would he be offended? No, maybe? After a quick Google search, I settled on a restaurant called 'Ricardo.' It was highly rated. And looked fancy enough for a celebrity who was worldwide famous.

'Okay, Ricardo's in the Bronx.'



'Meet me at three.'

'Three won't work for me Mr. Min.'

'Why is that?'

'I'm kidding, I'll be there.'

Well, there it was. A lunch date with Min Yoongi. If I thought I was sweaty earlier today, boy I was in for a rude awakening. I decided to pack a small stick of deodorant in my purse. I had only a small amount of time to get there. I didn't even have time to rethink my attire. I grabbed my keys, phone and purse and headed towards my car.

Traffic sucked. It only made me more anxious. This amount of stress and anxiety can't be healthy for a human being. I arrived at the restaurant. I parked in the back and walked to the front. I sat on a bench located near the building. My heart pounding to deafening decibels in my ears. I arrived only a few minutes late. I hoped and prayed to God that he was later than I was. I sat waiting for about ten minutes.

Now a new worry kicked in. Maybe he wasn't coming. Maybe this was a cruel prank. I did not think he was the cruel type, but did I really know him? Heck no, only from videos. I tried to calm myself down by scrolling randomly on Facebook and Twitter. I was not paying attention to anything I was seeing, just giving myself something to do. Other than just sit there gawking down each direction of the road hoping to see something. Looking pathetic. I let out a sigh. How long was too long to wait? My phone vibrated. My heart stopped.

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