iii. | well, it turns out constance was a bitch

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Disclaimer; I don't not own Supernatural. If I did, I'd guess star in every episode.

Pilot; Part Three

"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality." -unknown

EMERY SAT BEHIND DUMB AND DUMBER as they looked up old newspaper articles about people on the Centennial Highway. More importantly, the ones who had died on it, or close to it. Basically, anyone who would come back to haunt/murder people because of their unrest/violent death.

Jericho Herald read on the top of the computer screen, with a blue backdrop underneath it. Dean had clicked on the keywords box, his fingers typing in Female Murder Hitchhiking before he hit the 'go' button. Emery snorted when the website came up with zero results. Dean shot her a glare over his shoulder, before going to type something else in the keywords box.

He erased the Hitchhiking at the end of it, before typing in Centennial Highway, making the search read Female Murder Centennial Highway.

Emery snorted when the search came up with zero results.


Dean shot her another glare before Sam tried to reach for the mouse, telling Dean to let him try. Dean slapped his hand away, exclaiming an 'I got it!' before going back to typing. Or trying to at least. Sam pushed his office chair out of the way before he could.

"Dude," Dean exclaimed, before pushing himself back to the computer. When he got reaching distance to Sam, he smacked his arm, glaring. Behind the two, Emery giggled.

Their fights were kinda adorable. Though, if they kept it up, she knew she'd find them annoying.

"You're such a control freak," Dean then spoke, once he was closer to the computer again.

"So any spirits are born out of a violent death, right?" Sam asked.

"Right," Emery nodded her head once, though none of the boys noticed.

"So maybe it's not murder," Sam finished his statement, going to the box and changing Murder to Suicide.

The internet flashed the word Loading... on the screen a couple of times, before it popped up with one result. Emery let out a cheer, her fists pumping into the air. Dean sent her yet another glare, before he turned back to the computer screen.

"This was 1981, Constance Welch, 24 years old jumps off Sylvania Bridge, drowns in river," Sam read the information on the article, informing the two others.

"Does it say why she did it?" Dean asked, his eyes also skimming the article.

"Yeah," Sam informed.

"What?" Emery asked, squeezing her head between Sam's and Dean's.

"In the hour before they found her, she dialled 9-1-1. Her two little kids are in the bathroom, she leaves them alone for a minute, and when she comes back, they aren't breathing," Sam reads. "Both die. 'Our babies are gone, and Constance just couldn't bare it,' said husband, Joseph Welch."

"That bridge look familiar to you?" Dean asked, looking between the two younger people.

Sam narrowed his eyes at the picture of the bridge. Emery realized it was the bridge they were on earlier that day, and she suddenly had a bad feeling about.

God, she hated ghosts.


Next thing Emery knew, she was standing on the middle of the bridge, the Impala parked at one end of it. She was leaning over the barrier, looking over into the swiftly moving water.

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