xxxix. | in which emery is sick of everyone's shit

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Disclaimer; I do not own supernatural. If i did, well... Tbh I've run out of things to say in the disclaimers lmao.

Episodes 1-15

"madness is somewhere between chaos and having a dream." - r.m. drake

The Magnificent Seven;

EMERY HAD DECIDED THAT SHE WAS going to make sure Dean was comfortable and everything for when his clock finally wound down to zero. And that usually meant that she would have to book two hotel rooms because apparently on his death bed, Dean was very horny. He also liked going to twenty four hour diners and getting bacon cheeseburgers. And just talking. Emery didn't know Dean Winchester could be such a sap until they stayed up at one of the diners just talking about anything and everything.

Though, the demons they had let out were a problem and finding the Seven Deadly Sins was first on their checklist apparently. They had even met a hunting couple who was hellbent on killing the demons, only for the husband to have drank Draino and died. It was very gruesome and Emery had to advert her eyes. All she could think about was what if that was her and Dean? But then it hit her.

It was them.

So, after exorcising all of the people the demons had possessed (or tried to), Emery broke up with Dean. She didn't want the emotional rollercoaster of watching the love of her life die in front of her. Even though he was going to anyway.

The Kids are Alright;

LISA WAS HONESTLY THE SWEETEST THING ever. Emery and Sam had agreed to go up there (after Dean and Emery had got back together because Emery realized there was no scenario where she wouldn't get her heart broken), and it turns out Lisa had an eight year old child who was the most adorable thing ever. He was like a mini Dean, though Emery had asked Lisa if Dean was, in fact, the father. She promptly said no and told her that she even had a DNA test to make sure.

After Dean saved all the kids the monster was taking and Emery still having the bad gut feeling she was having, she had asked to talk to Lisa alone.

"If Dean ever comes to you looking done with the world and saying goodbye, please take care of him," Emery had said, holding Lisa's shoulders in her hands with a tight grip.

"But what about you? Won't you take care of him?" Lisa had asked, confusion shining in her pretty brown eyes.

"I might not be there to do it."

Bad Day at Bad Rock;

EMERY JUST REMEMBERED MEETING BELA AND getting her nose broken by the bitch. She had to set it again, which hurt like a motherfucker. Emery also remembered laughing at all the misfortunes that had come across Sam. Especially when he had lost his shoes trying to get the gum off of it. The brunette had actually laughed so hard Dean had had to hold her up because she couldn't stand on her own two feet.

She also made sure to keep the scratch and win stubs in her pocket because she didn't trust Bela. Bela was the no good, lying type, and Emery, right on the instant of seeing her, (maybe it was an angel thing?) knew that she had sold her soul to the devil. And we all knew how unforgiving Lucifer is.

After the curse was taken off of the rabbit's foot, Emery had made a joke about Dean being Batman and next thing she knew they were falling into bed together. Emery also had to apologize to Sam after these things happened. In case they were being too loud.

Poor Sam.

Sin City;

IT WAS NOTHING LIKE THE MOVIE. The town had actually been taken over by demons and Dean had gone home with the Bartender one. Though, he had captured her in a trap until her superior came to get her.

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