The End

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I still can't believe this book is done and we're at the end of the year, like where did the time go?

This year started off with me being scared of graduating, about not knowing what comes next and on the months leading up to my graduation, I realised a lot of things which helped me not be scared anymore.

Even though this book was supposed to start in January, I'm glad I chose to begin at the second half of the year. I honestly thought it would take me six months, as it usually does, to complete it but it took me just five, so I have December all to myself.

I'm so glad I could finally write and complete a fall book and I'm even more appreciative of every single one of you, your comments, votes and views. Every single one of you that have left a comment for the last five chapters, I know your names and your comments are honestly the one thing I look forward to after each update.

Thank you guys so much for the love and constant support. This year has been a lot of unknowns for me but so far, God's been there for me.

I'm looking forward to seeing every single one of you at my next book which is a series (shh, you're the first wattpaders to know about this). The idea for this new book is something out of my comfort zone and it's a way to challenge myself as it's a new era for my writing because Love & Serenity was my tenth book.

I'm hoping to take a six months break from writing because ever since I joined Wattpad, five years ago, it's been writing and college side by side, so this break would be, no college and no writing. Well, maybe a little bit of writing but nothing I would post until the second half of next year.

Also, as most of you guys already know, I sing. There's an event on the 25th December which I'll be performing at. I'll broadcast the night on my Instagram (@janelanett) if you want to check it out. It'll be in the evening between 7PM to 10PM, I guess.
On that same note, I'll be dropping a Demo track, in February, which will be available on most streaming platforms. (YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, etc, my name is the same EVERYWHERE, please do follow).

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Just like every other book I finish writing, the feeling is bittersweet. But I guess I'm learning to get used to it. Besides, I said my goodbyes to my characters the day I finished writing so I'm not as emotional right now.

I really want to thank you guys once again. You guys being you, in a way, inspired which direction the characters went. I honestly have no control of what they do but this is the one book I'm positive that the readers swayed the characters, their reunion for example. Me being me, I was going to prolong their misery but you guys had other ideas which I thought 'why not'.

I could go on and on, really. But it's time to say goodbye.

I love you guys so much and I'm so very thankful for everyone of you. I can't express how much you've done by just reading and dropping comments. THANK YOU!

With that said:

Started: 1st July, 2021
Completed: 1st December, 2021

A very happy new month, you guys, and I wish you the very best of December and the merriest Christmas.

Lots of Love,
Jane Lanett.

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