road trip

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neil- neil will try to drive the entire trip because he knows you don't like driving, but ends up getting tired and you're forced to take over. he lets you choose the music and has a hand on your thigh the WHOLE time. playing games like i spy, and rearranging letters on license plates to form words are just a few things you two do to keep busy because neil hates sitting still. 

todd- poor baby is TERRIFIED of driving, so you take the wheel. he fidgets a lot in the car and you think it is adorable. listens to audio books the whole time and will constantly try to feed you while you're driving because he feels bad that he made you drive and doesn't want you to get hungry. 

charlie- doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing, charlie is still somehow touching you. holding hands, touching your thigh, or even just putting his hand out to touch your arm. he has an awesome playlist prepared and packed so many snacks, but he also forgot to pack basic things like water. he also forgot to put his bag in the car so he ends up buying a whole new wardrobe when you arrive. 

knox- sweet knoxious is very annoying in a car and has no attention for the road. he speeds practically everywhere and is looking at you more than the road. he insists on holding hands the whole time and serenades you with old love songs. he buys you lots of snacks though, so you forgive his reckless driving. 

pitts- mans is PREPARED. he has snacks, water, music, maps, and even extra clothes in case you forgot any. you two spend a lot of the trip screaming the lyrics to your favourite songs at the top of your lungs. you kiss him on the cheek occasionally because you like when his face turns red while he tries to focus on the road. when you yawn, he pulls a blanket out from behind your seat and hands it to you. drives extra carefully when you fall asleep so he doesn't wake you. 

meeks- listening to the iliad in the original greek? you betcha. meeks geeking out and explaining it all to you instead of listening? of course. as per usual, debates ensue about translations, debates that would seem very heated and aggressive from an outsiders point of view, but is actually light-hearted and fun for the both of you. meeks insists on driving and only packs healthy food for you because he's worried about you nutritional habits. 

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