sharing clothes

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neil- neil kept losing all of his favourite sweaters, thinking he was losing his mind, until he found them all in your closet one day and realized that you took them all. he really didnt mind that much, but did ask for a few back cause he was starting to get chilly everywhere he went

todd- you dont steal from todd, todd hands everything he owns over to you. you mention its cold- boom theres his sweater. you talk about how your cat ripped a hole in your favourite pants- boom you own a pair of pants that do not fit you but you still wear anyways. 

charlie- you and charlie have a bit of a war about this exact thing. you love to steal his button ups, and he loves to steal your skirts. you do not have a set closet anymore, because all of your things are jumbled together. you do try to out-steal eachother though, leading to some strange outfits on both parts. 

knox- though he is ever a romantic, knox hates sharing clothes. whats his is his and will remain so, but he will give in eventually and give you one sweater because you said it smelled like him and you liked to wear it when you felt lonely. but do NOT expect any more!

pitts- pittsie is like twice your size, so of course nothing of his fits you, but that does not stop you from stealing anything you can get your tiny little hands on. t-shirt? nah night shirt. on a different note, he does enjoy going into your closet every once in a while and putting on funny little fashion shows.

meeks- meeks is a bit like knox, but instead of just flat out refusing to give you stuff, he buys two of everything, one for him, and one for you. he thinks this is a very efficient way to deal with the issue, but it does lead to incessant bullying from nuwanda when you accidentally wear the same thing. 

(a/n: another @evvvy_   request! always feel free to send ideas!)

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