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I never felt so emotionless. Reality crashed hard at the fact that Charlie was really dead. As dead as ever with his arms wide and the two bags that stayed beside him.

He could be a portrait of greed and betrayal. Memories formed in my brain from my fifteen-year-old self where I would fight with Charlie as he taught me what life was like in the outside world to the missions we had to take over the gang world yet when I saw him  completely lifeless, I didn't feel anything.

I was as still as a stone but Bonnie was mystified to the core at the appearance of her fake mother, Victoria Vincent.

"How are you here? when were you here? what the hell is happening?" she breathlessly asked too many questions.

"I was here all along, you both didn't see me for I was on the other side watching you both," she explained calmly as her dark eyes looked at both of us, "I thanked your mother endlessly, she helped me when my son's dad disappeared leaving me at the end of the trail but I remembered that Gary had a wife in care and she told me that he used to abuse her but she managed to help my son right before your father took him here along to hide the treasure, I am so sorry for keeping all of  this from you and I know that you got your plate full with your dad but I had to do what's right and so I came here after your mother outed the location, she says she misses you and I know you miss her too," Victoria cried out emotionally, something I didn't have and Bonnie cried at the mention of her mother.

I looked at the child who was scared as he stood by his mother's side and that reminded me of me as a child. I was scared, deserted and alone until Charlie discovered me and it wasn't fate, Charlie knew all along who my parents were, that was why Gary had a plan to hide his daughter from me because they both knew if I was with Bonnie, the truth would be revealed.

"I thought you were against me," Bonnie spoke as she wiped the sides of her eyes, "I heard you back there saying you would trade me for your son," she shouted.

"Bonnie, I had no other choice, my son is barely nine years old," she whimpered as we both took a look at the crying kid when his mom held him in her arms, "it's been a whole decade since I last saw him, please understand, I had to be tough on you for the sake of my son not being hurt," she defended as the tears trailed down her face.

"You adopted me because you knew that your son's dad was on my dad's side and it was no surprise that you saw me on that ditch, it was all planned and don't you dare deny that," Bonnie angrily stated through clenched teeth.

They all encountered their family problems yet mine was dead and I didn't feel a thing. I wasn't even familiar with my own parents. The first time I saw my mother was in bed with a rapist and I never saw my father. I felt like a stranger in between them.

"Yes, I don't deny that," she whispered as she looked down in shame, "I know that you won't forgive me but I want you to know that you will still have a home waiting for you if you ever decide to live with me and my son." She said as the sun glowed on her form when she walked away with her son in her embrace marking a beautiful family gathering.

"At least, they have a perfect ending," I commented and she looked up at me when I faced her.

"I killed my dad and your mom, shouldn't you feel something?" she questioned in her dusty clothes. She was right, I should feel something but I couldn't. I didn't have anything to let out. "I mean I got the confrontation I needed from Victoria and closure with my revenge, what about you though? don't you want something?" she pushed further.

"I don't want anything," I snapped coldly and went to the two bags of treasure getting them, "I will live off of these so you aren't getting any shares," I shrugged mockingly and what she did amazed me, she came up to me and slapped me.

"What are you doing?" I felt the sting but nothing more, I got confused as to why she did that.

"I am slapping the emotions out of you," she said as she gave me another slap but on the chest this time. She kept doing that until I went crazy and dropped the bags to hold her hands.

"Don't do that again," I warned as her blue eyes looked confidently into my gray ones knowing that I wouldn't hurt her.

"Why do you care? I mean your mom was nothing but a whore and your dad is not even around, you will go back to being rich and lonely," she stated rudely and that got me riled up.

"You think this is all I am," I said, "I'm sorry but I am not like the rest of the bad boys you see in your stupid books." I came closer to her, my breath mingling with hers in intimidation. "In fact, I am the best one you ever seen."

All she did was smile at me for getting her plan perfected as her arms went around my back making the fight I had within myself get harder by the minute, I couldn't hug her back, that was what my mind told me but my arms had other plans as they held her shoulders getting her closer to me.

"Maddox wants me," she sang out loud in mockery.

"No, I don't want you." I fakely stated.

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