part six

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  The following morning, Annalise opened her eyes and didn't feel like getting up but, it was Monday and that meant Office day. That's how this got to work, a week at the bookshop, a week at the office writing and editing and blah, blah, blah. Pretty comfortable schedules really, she had nothing to complain about on that matter, however, on the love matter...she could rant for hours.

  Tommy was long gone, he needed to get ready for work and they'd meet up there, after all, the magazine's editorial office where she works is at the Times Building. With a sigh, Lise got up walked and opened the window before she started the day.

  She dressed up with black dressing pants, white shirt and a matching black blazer with her black heeled boots. She showered first, of course, and did all her beauty ritual, makeup and perfume, etcetera. When she was done, she walked out of her room and downstairs to find her roommates drinking their coffee.

  They greeted each other and agreed on having brunch in Times Square later on today, before they all headed out and walked their separate directions, Naomi took the car as usual and drove Lennon to the studio, that's only a few blocks away, while Lise walked through Lenox Hill and crossed Central Park, then, she hopped on a cab and was driven for the next half of her trip.

  When she arrived, Lise payed her driver, stepped out of the yellow car and walked towards the Starbucks that was closer, a block away from the building to be precise. She walked in and, just like with Jonah, people knew her there, therefore, her order was registered without her even speaking, she did ask for a Cappuccino, planning on giving it to Tom. She donated a dollar for whatever cause because she enjoys giving and when her order was ready, she grabbed the bag, thanked those who attended her and walked out to make her way back to the office.

  When she arrived, she greeted absolutely everyone, like she always does and gained those greetings back. She took a sip from her hot Caramel Macchiato, burning her tongue in the process, as she walked into the elevator and clicked the fourth button. She patiently waited for the doors to open and then walked in to get to the fourth floor. When that happened, she walked out greeting a few people until she arrived at Tommy's desk, finding him writing stuff down on a document, probably an article for tomorrow's paper.

"Morning." She greeted and his brown eyes snapped towards her.

"Hey." He smiled. She smiled back.

"Got you coffee. Cappuccino, one bag of sugar and a touch of vanilla." She handed the cup over.

"Thank you." He took it. "You didn't have to."

"But I wanted to. I never thanked you."

"Hey, that's what friends are for right? Having each other's backs."

"You got that right." They made their plastic cups collide and took a sip of the hot beverages. "Well, gotta go. I'm pretty sure we'll have a meeting to discuss assignments."

"Cool. Good luck today."

"Thanks. Oh and by the way, we agreed on going to Olive Garden for lunch, pretty sure Lenn will ask Noah to join."

"Yeah, Nom texted me earlier."

"Oh, cool."

"I'll pick you up to get there."

"Deal." They did the handshake they invented in college and she walked towards the elevator again. Once there, she clicked the fifth floor button and went up to get to her working area.

  She arrived at the desk that's by the window, settled down, started her session on the computer and started having breakfast as she logged into her mail to check if there was anything new. Nothing. She finished her panini and half of her coffee when an e-mail from her boss popped at her inbox. She checked it and it was a request to get to the meeting room. She grabbed her journal, a pen, highlight and her coffee, stood up and walked up to the glass-walled room alongside other five co-workers.

Notting Hill in Manhattan [t. c]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon