part twelve

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  So, here we are, at the final part of this story. Their story. We find ourselves around eight months since the proposal in a cabin Upstate, surrounded by trees painted in orange and yellow tones, the lovely autumn color scheme. If there is one thing Annalise always fantasised about after watching the Twilight movies was having a wedding like Bella and Edward's, all fairytale-like.

  She was standing in front of the mirror looking into her reflection as she breathed in and out with the people very close to her helping her out to look the most perfect. Naomi made sure the short train of the dress was placed perfectly over the ground, Lennon made sure there were no unnecessary locks of hair out of place from her low bun and pinned two brads around it carefully before Marjorie placed the veil right on top of the bun.

"You look like a princess, dear." She told her daughter, who smiled tenderly at her.

"Thank you, mom." The woman smiled. Lately, she remembers things better and is able to recall Lise's name more often. Marjorie nodded and Lise looked at herself in the mirror as a huge amount of thoughts rushed through her head like the wagons of a train that goes at high speed. "Um...could I have a moment, please?" She asked the other three that were in the room and they all nodded with smiles before walking out.

  When they stepped outside, she remained there, standing and thinking. Moments later, her Best Man —or Maid of Honour, however you'd like to call him— walked in.

"Lise...Kid Cudi, the rapper, is here. I just bumped into him as I walked out of the bathroom." Tom said as he looked at the hall, not looking at Anna. "It's still pretty nuts to see the amount of famous people here, you know?" He commented with a chuckle before looking at the blonde woman. "Goodness, Lissie."

"What?" Her eyes opened wildly. "Is there something wrong? Is it my hair? Lenn was struggling with some pieces of hair and the braids. Or is it the dress? The guys that brought our things here didn't really pay much attention and all the dresses had to be ironed, it still has wrinkles, doesn't it? it just me or is the veil flat? Because it shouldn't be flat." Tom smiled and shook his head, they were so alike. That's why they have the past that they have.

"No, there's no problem with anything. Your hair is on point, it looks really pretty, the fabric is perfectly smooth and the veil doesn't look flat." He said placing his hands on her arms.

"Oh...okay. Great." He nodded.

"I was going to say that you look beautiful." He smiled and she smiled back at him. "That is all."

"Thanks, Tommy."

"No problem."

"And yes, it's insane to look at all those people's faces."

"I know!"

"I mean, Zendaya is here."

"I know!" They laughed.

"Like, shut the fuck up." She sighed and sat down on the ground as the last echoes of their laughter resonated in the room. "This is nuts. Everything is nuts."

"I know." He sat right beside her. "Do you want to go on with it? Because if you don't, I think most people will understand." While he had an amused smile, she had barely a smirk. Lise knew it was a joke but... "Bad joke, sorry." They chuckled it off.

"Of course I want to go on with it." She said after a short pause. "I just feel very overwhelmed. There's a bunch of people out there and I don't know if everything is going according to plan."

"It is, I'm making sure of it." She smiled at him. "The food is tasty, the flowers are looking very elegant right next to the seats and on the tables, Tim looks like a prince, you look like a princess." He made a hand gesture to point her out, she indeed looked like a princess: her blonde hair was curled perfectly, the veil fell perfectly down her back and looked like a waterfall because of the small jewels it had, the silk of the dress shone beautifully and her makeup made a lovely contrast with her whole picture. Lennon was right in suggesting her lipstick matched her flowers, it looked so great. "Your mother is having a blast gossiping with Lennon, the bridesmaids' dresses look really nice, you piked a great shade of green, by the way, and my tie looks great." She chuckled and he held her hand. "Everything is looking perfect and like you wanted it to." She nodded.

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