Melody of Paradise.

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Ash was not expecting Aether Paradise to be like this. From Lusamine's talk about workers, and research, Ash was expecting a big building. Not a private island that was completely covered in the facility's that make up Aether Foundation.

The helicopter landed on the helipad on the roof of the main building, and Lusamine led the two teenagers off, and into the building. They had come down the staircase, and were greeted by a woman, who looked about the same age as Lusamine, albeit much shorter then her, she was barely beating Lillie out in height, and stood about eye-level to Ash, a little shorter. She had mauve hair, and she wore a pink sweater, covered in a white uniform, with yellow, outlined pockets. Her boots were white, with yellow heels, and she wore a pair of large, pink glasses.

"Alola, Ms. Lusamine. How are you doing today?" The woman asked.

"I'm doing okay, Wicke. You?" Lusamine answered.

"Quite nicely, everything has been running smoothly while you were gone." The lady, now known as Wicke, responded. "And Lillie! How are you?" Wicke asked the girl.

"I'm good, Ms. Wicke." Lillie answered.

"Who's this?" Wicke asked, as she took a closer look at Ash, then Pikachu and Litten on Ash's shoulders, then Rowlet, who sat on Ash's head, and finally Rotom-Dex.

"This is Ash, Wicke. He's one of Lillie's classmates, and he's been helping with her PokéPhobia." Lusamine told Wicke.

"Thats amazing, it's a pleasure to meet you, Ash! Thank you for helping Lillie with her fear." Wicke said, vigorously shaking Ash's hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, Ms. Wicke." Ash said, as Wicke let go of his hand. "And Lillie is actually over her phobia, now."

Wicke gasped in shock, then looked at Lillie. "Really? That's incredible, Lillie!"

Lillie lightly blushed, "It was thanks to Ash, really. He didn't give up, and had a good idea of how to help me get over it." Ash looked away, bashful at the praise.

"Well, I'm sure you played your part in it, too!" Wicke said. Sharing a brief, almost cheeky smirk with Lusamine. "Well, Ash, could you tell me how you helped her get over it?" Wicke asked Ash, interested in how he did it.

"Well, every day I would head to Lillie's home with her, and we would spend about... uh... 3 hours? 2?" Ash turned to ask Lillie.

"About that, yes." Lillie clarified.

"About that, having Lillie pat my three Pokémon. If she froze up when she touched one, I would move her hand away, and we would try again. We always finished up with her giving the three a small hug, all at once." Ash said.

"How long did it take?" Wicke asked.

"Um, about 4 weeks." Ash answered.

"Wow, past PokéPhobia patients had taken almost 5 months to get over it, the most severe case took a year." Wicke said, shocked that Ash got rid of it so quickly.

"If you want some proof, watch." Ash said, as he pulled Litten off his shoulder, and put him in Lillie's lap. Lillie wasn't bothered by it at all, not even when Litten had tried to climb onto her hat, but couldn't stay on it, and fell off, back into her lap.

"Incredible! Ash, I don't know how to thank you!" Wicke said, as Lillie gave Litten back to Ash, and Litten returned to his shoulder.

"Well, I wanted to help her, she deserves to have a Pokémon friend of her own, but her phobia prevented her from having one." Ash said.

"That's why we are here, actually, Wicke." Lusamine said. "Keep them outside, I need to slip inside my office quickly, and grab what I came here for."

"Of course, Ma'am." Wicke said. "Come on you two. I know it's both of your first time here, so I'll give you guys a small tour!"

Lusamine took her chance to go into her office, and grab the Egg inside the incubator. And fill out a little paperwork while she was there.


Ash had stood along the railing on a small balcony outside the main building, looking out at the sea. He had left his Pokemon inside with Wicke and Lillie, and came outside for some fresh air.

He had been here for a few months already, and he realized with a start, that he had to start his island trial! He hadn't had the chance to find where to go and start, and he still had to train his Pokemon. He wanted see if he could teach Rowlet a new move, he had seen Litten's new Fire Fang, and Pikachu had recently learned Electroweb, which gave him a bit of utility in his moveset, but Pikachu had seemed to forget Electro Ball, so Electroweb could take it's place.

While Ash was pondering his situation, he didn't hear the slight music carried through the breeze. When he did hear it, he felt an odd sense of...nostalgia? No, maybe familiarity. He had heard that song before. Where was it?

Either way, it was a beautiful melody... Melody...

"Meloetta." Ash said.

Thats where Ash heard it. It's Meloetta's singing. Where is it coming from? Ash had leaned over the railing, looking around wildly for any sign of his musical friend. It was getting louder. Almost like she was right beside him...

Ash turned around. "Hey Meloetta, been a while, huh?"

Meloetta had stopped singing, and became visible right in front of Ash, who was unfazed by it, despite being so sudden. Meloetta looked happy to see Ash again, and had quickly given Ash, as close of a hug as she could, considering how small she was.

"It's great to see you too, Meloetta." Ash said.

"Wow..." a voice said from behind, Ash and Meloetta turned to see Lillie.

"Is that... Meloetta? Lillie said getting closer.

Meloetta, startled by Lillie's surprise appearance, had ducked behind Ash.

"Aw, don't worry Meloetta. Lillie's a friend." Ash consoled.

Meloetta slowly came out from behind Ash's back, and Lillie apologized for scaring her. Meloetta had quickly warmed up to Lillie, and came out from Ash's back completely.

"Ash, you didn't tell me you knew a Mythical Pokémon." Lillie said.

"Oh, you have no idea." Ash said back.

"What do you mean?" Lillie asked.

"I've met a lot of Legendary and Mythical Pokémon. Mew, Jirachi, Latias and Latios, Reshiram, Rayquaza, the list goes on." Ash said, shocking Lillie completely, she quickly regained her composure, and gave Ash an almost mocking smile.

"You really are something else, aren't you, Ash?" Lillie said.

"That's one way to put it, I guess." Ash said.

The three both turned to look at the sunset, watching as the large orb of light lowered below the horizon. slowly turning the sky a dark purple.

They heard footsteps inside, and Meloetta had turned invisible, and sat on Ash's shoulder. The door opened, and Lusamine came out. "Lillie, your surprise is ready."

The three, joined silently by Meloetta, went inside, and saw Lillie's gift. A light blue, almost white egg, inside an incubator. Lusamine explained what it was for.

"This is the egg of an Alolan Vulpix. We had collected it a few days ago, when Gladion found it sitting in the middle of nowhere, a parent nowhere to be seen. We had kept it here, in hopes that if you got over your phobia, you would become it's Trainer." Lusamine told Lillie. "the Egg is set to hatch in about 2 days. So, Lillie. would you become the Trainer for the Vulpix inside?"

"I-I..." Lillie didnt know what to say. Then, she looked over to Ash, who gave her a soft smile. Lillie made up her mind right there. "I'll do it."

"Took ya long enough." a voice in the doorway said.

A/N: Guess who it is! You guys probably know already.

Anyways, Meloetta has appeared, and Lillie chose to become the Trainer for the Vulpix inside the Egg.

Thanks for reading!

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