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Ash watched as Gladion, Lillie, and Faba tried to figure out what they were gonna do to get Lusamine back. They were back in Lusamine's office, and kept talking over each other and interrupting, and Ash knew they weren't gonna accomplish anything like that.

"Lillie, we can't just rush in! That's a great way to get taken yourself!" Gladion snapped. "But-" Lillie tried to object, before Gladion interrupted. "No! If I see you take a step near the elevator to go to the Wormhole, I'm sending you home, and Hobbes isn't gonna let you out of his sight!"

"We can't just leave her though, Gladion..." Faba muttered.

"We aren't going to Faba! We'll send a team to go look!"

"We can send a team to go look, but that's gonna get Worker's Safety on us again, and with news of the Wormhole opening again... Aether Paradise could be shut down." Faba said.

"Then I'll go damn it!" Gladion yelled. "I won't go bitching to Worker's Safety to be compensated!"

"Enough already!" Ash yelled, stopping the debate between the blondes, getting progressively more heated. "You're fighting like children! Listen... Lusamine is stuck in this Ultra Space thing, right? The Wormhole is open, and Gladion and I are willing to go, so we'll handle this. We'll try and find them, come back to prepare, and go get her!"

"I'd like to get this done with quick as possible. No multiple trips." Gladion said.

Ash sighed. "Then we prepare first, then we go."

"That's just rushing in! Exactly what you just said we can't do! If you're going... then I'm gonna come!"

"We aren't going today." Gladion said. "This kind of preparation needed time to prepare. Ash... we're gonna train for a week. March 17th... we strike. Alright?"

"Yeah. I'll call in some favours and get some more Pokémon ready, too. Lillie... where's Nebby?"

"In my bag... why?"

"Make sure to bring him. That Ultra Wormhole seemed very similar to the colour of his face... maybe he's connected to it." Ash said.

"That's... true." Gladion said. "Let's see him, Lillie." Lille took off her bag, and set it on the table. She unzipped, and gasped when she looked inside. "Umm, guys?"

Ash looked inside the bag, Nebby looked different. He no longer looked like a little piece of space-like fog, he now was contained in some golden frame. "Did he evolve?" Ash asked.

"When did this happen?" Gladion asked. "He doesn't look much more powerful..." Gladion hoisted the surprisingly heavy Nebby up to inspect him closer. "It's like a coma... he's just fast asleep."

"Do we bring him anyways?" Ash asked. "He must be able to evolve again, right?"

"Surely." Gladion said. "Let's see if he wakes up anytime soon." He dropped Nebby back into Lillie's bag. "For now... let's get preparations going. We tell Wicke, and nobody else. Deal?"

"No." Ash said. "I'm gonna tell Kukui and Burnet. She's gonna want to know. Lusamine is her boss, right? Besides, I owe them both a lot, so the least I can do is keep them in the loop of what I'm up to." Ash said. "Speaking of... Rotom, call Kukui."


March 17th. The fated day has arrived. Ash, Lillie, and Gladion stepped into the portal, completely taken aback by the expansive Ultra Space. The portal was right inside a small canyon, where multiple small cracks and openings inside the stone face. "Can't believe you convinced Ash to let you come..." Gladion muttered. "This ain't safe, you know."

"All the more reason I should come. You and Ash both need supervision, and I am more then capable of keeping you two on a leash if I need to." Lillie said. Ash sighed. "Lillie... last I checked, you were the one who almost had a panic attack when you found a Grubbin on the bench you were sitting on, and almost smashed the poor thing with a skateboard you snatched out of some guys hands."

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