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...The Denovorum was the only medicine that could save him, the only cure to his condition.

So she'd started researching about it and proposed a project to get it done. She'd travelled to different parts of the world to collect the rare ingredients, no matter how tiring and life-threatening it was. She'd do whatever it took.

For Dennis... and for everyone else who was suffering through the same condition...

The boy eyed her sadly, covering his face with both hands and shaking his head.

"I lost my Stethoscope."


"Well of course, you have to do it," said the girl in front of her, haughtily. "It's your medicine and I just got my nails done. I don't want to get mud all over them."

Marinette rolled her eyes at the intended insult.

She was in the first level of S.F.O.W.W. with Lila, trying to collect sap from a fascinating little Morning Glory with absolute caution. The 1st floor looked peculiar in every sense of the word. It looked like an empty cave: cold, dim and moist, with its pointy, jagged rocks. It was an odd place to plant a Morning Glory, a plant that lived off of the sun. But this particular flower was different from the rest.

It was special because its bushes had been cultivated on special soil. It had many magical properties, which they could certainly use for the Denovorum.

The flower looked harmless in every way, but it was anything but. Certain things happened when one approached it incorrectly. She had to make sure the atmosphere didn't shift when she neared it. Her magical miraculous energy could cause that to happen.

She cast a Concealment charm with the help of Tiki around herself to suppress her magic temporarily. It was simple, really, much like holding your breath, but for a very long period of time.

Lila was her partner today. She had wanted someone else, anyone else, but Madam Dumass had noticed that they weren't getting along very well, which was, quote, "inappropriate behavior for Unexhibitables". She had been trying to get them to work together ever since the meeting. The two of them were disgusted with the idea, but unfortunately neither had a say in the matter.

So now they were stuck here, until she had managed to collect the sap from the Morning Glory, which was the only plant in the otherwise empty cave.

Lila really wasn't as dumb as she seemed to be. She was very intelligent and cunning and everyone liked her. She had half the people at work wrapped around her beautiful, manicured finger.

Marinette couldn't count how many times Lila had tried to get her fired, arrested or even injured. One time, she had even messed with one of Marinette's medicines, purposely spilling an ingredient that had caused the mixture to sprout fire everywhere.

Unsurprisingly, because of her beauty, brains and cunning she always got away with it.

(Author's not- *blows raspberries and falls down laughing while typing* Of course she isnt beautiful. Who am I kidding. I just made that ugly girl pretty in the book, so that the book doesnt get dirty due to her ugliness)

The only reason why Marinette had agreed to the arrangement was because she was sure Lila wouldn't dare try anything today, not when everyone knew she was responsible for Marinette's safety.

At least, Marinette hoped she wouldn't.

Marinette shrugged the nasty thoughts off her mind and tried to focus. She had to have total concentration to keep her magic at bay. She took a few steps forward to the little plant placed in the center of the dimly lit cave.

Sequel to IRONYWhere stories live. Discover now