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Here we are, finally. After what? A month? I know, I'm lazy and I suck so just slap me. :))))

Thank you for the wonderful reviews and support. Hay nako, I've run out of recipes, so just take my heart with you.

First line comes from Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita. Very different and disturbing, but still an interesting read..

Read away :)


"I loved you. I was a pentapod monster but I loved you."


Promises had never mattered to him. They were insignificant, not worth his time, or just another cunning means to an end. He'd either never cared for promises or he'd just used them to get what he'd wanted.

Damian didn't know if he could be true to his word.

He'd like to think of what had happened as a spur of the moment decision, something you would only say or do because the situation had called for it.

And with Marinette Wayne (nee Dupain Cheng) seated snuggly on his lap, looking unbelievably adorable with her soft, curly tresses and pouting lips, he had not been able to stop the words spilling from his mouth.

She wasn't aware of the amount of control she had on him. Right then, he would've willingly jumped off a cliff if she had asked him to.

He would've done anything.

Briskly, he made his way through the bookcases of the Wayne Family Library. The library itself was strategically charmed so that no one could use magic to summon the books from their place on the hundreds of towering bookshelves. It was meant to be some sort of security measure, to ensure that no books would ever be stolen so easily.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Nino asked him again for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day.

Damian managed to shoot him a cold stare. Nino merely raised an elegant brow in response.

"I said I would do it and I will," Damian stated, feeling a headache forming. He rubbed his forehead with his hand. "I went to France for this. I've threaded through the libraries, the museums, and met Van Bonham himself. I ought to know what I'm doing."

"You do realize, if everything doesn't go accordingly to what we've planned," Nino said seriously, "We would all perish?"

"When have any of my plans ever failed, hmm?" he replied arrogantly.

"It failed with Marinette," Nino said with a condescending tone. Damian hated it when he used that tone. It usually meant that he was wrong and Nino was right. It thoroughly annoyed him. "Need I remind you of your little suicide stunt five years a—"

"Shut it." He walked to another isle of books, skimming through their titles, his footsteps echoing through the silence. "Just help me find this bloody book and shut it."

All Damian heard was an annoyed grunt from the next isle.

He continued the torturous search, pulling the old books out of their little bookshelf homes and reading through them.

He couldn't get his mind off of the recent incident involving Vasil Couffaine. He kept seeing her face before his eyes just as she was about to open the doors to a black hole. She just looked tired and hurt and miserable with life and everything about it... And he hated it, hated seeing her that way. Back then, when he was still as heartless as the Hawk Lord himself, he wouldn't have cared what she was feeling. It hadn't mattered. He hadn't cared.

Sequel to IRONYWhere stories live. Discover now