Chapter 30

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The metal drive rubbed against my skin, slick with nervous sweat, as I tried to stand normally behind Jack. The interrogation room was empty except for us, and two other mercenaries. They were dressed all in black, with masks over their faces, and bloodlust in their eyes.

I wasn't ready for this, I didn't have time to hide ALYX, or even decide what I was going to do with her. I was going to get caught, and worst of all, it was going to happen in this stupid room. Probably while the Cynabarrians watched.

"I'm glad you're joining us Holly." Jack spoke with such sincerity, like it was at all my choice to be there.

"I think this will be very enlightening. For you, for us, just an all-around success."

I had become very good at internalizing my eye-rolls, so I shot back blithely.

"Sure. Happy to be here, Boss."

He turned around suspiciously, smiling when my blank facial expression matched my words and tone.

"I told you I wanted you to take on a special role here, and I did mean that."

"I didn't doubt it."

"Yes, very well. I guess it's time to clarify what that special role will be."

Silent, still, no reaction, Holly. Don't react.

"Ooh, do I get to be the line leader?" So much for silence.

"Sarcasm, that's attractive. Really, Holly, you'd be much more bearable if you kept your mouth shut." Acerbic, sharp. Mr. Nice Guy was gone, replaced by the real Jack. What a condescending prick.

"Noted." I needed to stop instigating him. My life was already a living hell, but Jack was the one person with the power to make it even worse.

"Anyway, you seem uncomfortable. Maybe watching this will be too much for you." His smile was like a shark, I could see all his teeth. I felt unnerved, every bone in my body wanted to run, like I was about to be eaten.

"Well, either way, I have a better idea. I don't want you to watch this, I want you to participate."

Silent, no emotion, no reaction. Honestly, I don't know if I could have spoken if I wanted to.

Jack turned to the mercenaries in the masks. "Smith, get Holly here some gloves. We're going to keep her face uncovered, but we want to make sure she doesn't bruise her knuckles." Cue more smiling.

There was nothing I could think of to do. So, I stood there. I stood silent as more people filtered in and out of the room. I stood unmoving as they lifted my hands and outfitted me with thin leather fingerless gloves. The knuckles were padded and they velcroed on tight. These were evil gloves, made so that bad people could do bad things in comfort. And I stood pathetically cold, wearing them.

I jolted back into personhood when someone brought over torso padding and attempted to dress me. Somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered ALYX tucked close to my chest, and I had enough wherewithal to indicate I would dress myself.

It seemed like hours passed, but it was likely within the span of 45 minutes that they prepared the room for some sort of advanced interrogation. I noted two sets of restraints lowered from the ceiling, low enough so the prisoners' feet touched the ground, but so high they would have to wobble uncomfortably on their toes. I knew from experience that they would feel half choked by the position, and endure the chest compression that came from having their wrists raised so far above their heads. If they were beaten, they would swing from the chains.

Eventually the room cleared of people; it was once again just Jack and I, and the two interrogators.

"Okay. Let's get this show on the road." Jack rubbed his hands together like we were waiting for a live theater performance to commence.

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