Chapter 15

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We were greeted by a young girl in light green robes who led us deeper into the Temple. We passed women of varying ages around us, all wearing different pastel colors. Everything was sheathed in rainbow sunlight refracting from the crystal walls, and I wondered what the building would look like at sunset, or twilight. 

Whispers surrounded us as we passed through the halls, and I noticed many eyes on Stefin. I felt excruciatingly out of place by the Prince’s side, and second guessed my inclination to wear my Pilot’s uniform instead of the robes I'd been given. Once bringing me comfort and strength, I now felt self-conscious and underdressed. 

I heard giggles from around a corner, and we passed a group of young women who hid their smiles behind cupped hands. 

“-and she is human, I know. Are they all that sickly looking?”

“What a waste. I think she’s just small for her kind, and puny. Weak genes, I bet.”

“I loved him with Melora. They’re perfect, I hope they find a way to be together!”

“Such a sham. I bet the humans messed with it somehow, the Goddess would never bless...”

Whispers glanced off of the impenetrable walls, finding their way to my ears. I kept my head down, silent, not willing to let them know that I could hear. It was to be expected, I was an outsider, and they had every reason to suspect that I had somehow stolen their Prince from his rightful soulmate. What Goddess would put us together, truly? I felt small, and embarrassed. Despite their truth, the words stung. 

A gentle touch on my back shocked me into looking up. The impossible warmth blooming from the contact told me that it was Stefin’s hand. He was still facing ahead, not down at me, but his touch stayed. It was a gesture of support, reassurance, and I was exceptionally grateful for it. 

We walked like that for a few more minutes, down impossibly long, winding hallways into the heart of the temple. Stefin’s hand never wavered from my shoulder, and I let myself absorb his warmth, his strength. Unused to comfort, or accepting help from others, something about the exchange nonetheless felt right. It was a sign that, regardless of how much he distrusted me, Stefin still realized that we were bound together. Us, against the forces cryptically plotting our demise. 

Finally, we came to a stop in a darkened room. Barely any natural light could penetrate, and torches lined the circular walls. The fire was unusual, glowing a dim yellow-white instead of orange. Our young guide bowed to Stefin, then to me, and left us alone in the gloom. 

“I’ve been expecting you two for quite some time.” A voice emanated from the shadows, startling me and causing Stefin’s hand to drop from my back. Despite myself, I missed the contact, and my skin still glowed with the memory of his touch. 

Once my eyes began to adjust to the fiery light of the room, I spotted the Priestess from the ceremony sitting cross legged on a mossy green blanket. The whole floor was covered in tapestries and carpets, mottled in a variety of emeralds and jades, resembling a forest floor. Soft blankets and pillows made for comfortable seats, ordered in a semicircle. 

“Go on, have a seat, we have much to discuss.” The Priestess gestured to two blankets directly across from her place in the middle of the circle, so Stefin and I carefully lowered ourselves to the floor. 

“Your Holiness-” the woman cut Stefin off with a scoff. 

“That won’t be necessary. I’ve known you your whole life, Stefin. I have to say, I am horribly disappointed.” 

“I- I’m so sorry.” I found myself cutting in, feeling bad that Stefin was taking the brunt of the blame for our situation. “This must be my fault, somehow. Nobody wants us to be bonded, I understand you are disappointed too, but Stefin didn’t do anything to make it happen.” 

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