Chapter 6 - Predictions

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Ranisa asked Pandit ji, "Pandit ji! You have said that we will get a heir within a year. For that, should we do something? Like any donations or something? ". To which he replied, "No Ranisa. It is not necessary. If it is your wish, you can do that. Moreover, the wealth of the kingdom will multiply in future so much that you couldn't keep everything in treasury and have to donate it. So don't worry".

Ranasa became very happy to hear each and every word of Pandit ji. He would be glad to inform the same to his son and daughter-in-law who is more of a daughter to him. Pandit ji continued, "Ranasa, till now you dynasty has got only one heir for a generation. Even though they had daughters but it was only one male child. But now onwards your dynasty will grow like a tree with more branches."

Ranasa beat his wife with his eagerness and said, "Really. In that case, it would be a miracle Pandit ji. There were also rumors about curse on my dynasty that we will always have only one heir. Now that myth will be broken". His happiness can be seen on his face.

Not able to tolerate their happiness, Meenavathi asked, "Pandit ji, wouldn't it be bad because many heirs will fight for the throne? What if they kill each other as an extreme?" Before Pandit ji could reply, they heard a loud voice booming in the room.

"Meenavathi", Ranasa's furious shout made everyone present in the room to flinch. "Don't you dare to utter such words regarding the Royal family. Just because you are our guest, don't forget your status. If you do any such thing again which may insult the royals, then you will be announced as a traitor. You very well know the consequences", Ranasa finished.

She kept her mouth shut after that. Pandit ji continued, "Don't worry Ranasa. Just like your dynasty, your empire will also grow and spread through the world. So there won't be any scarcity to divide among all."

Ranasa felt proud at the moment. This is what he wanted to see, before he pass away. "If my prediction is right, then you will have both grand daughter as well as grandson together this year, which symbolizes wealth and power, the kingdom will gain. Or in other words their father will gain", Pandit ji said.

Then he did some calculations in hand and said, "Ranasa! Seems like Yuvraj will have 5 sons and 1 daughter. May be it is their pain and sufferings from the past 5 years that they are blessed with 5 sons."

It seems like Ranasa and Ranisa will get ill if they keep hearing such sweet things. Ranasa was already in his dream land where he is playing with his grandchildren. His dream was broken by no one but his wife.

"Pandit ji, You have mentioned 5 sons right", Ranisa asked to which Pandit ji nodded and she continued, "Will all the sons be from same mother or would our yuvraj marry another wife? ".

Before Pandit ji could answer, Ranasa said sternly, "Ranisa! Why would you ask such a question? Till now Bahuranisa was not able to give a heir which was the reason why you were constantly proposing the idea of second marriage. And I stopped you from taking this idea forward. Now that Pandit ji has said that we will get a heir within a year which means our Bahuranisa is the one who will give us the heir. Then why do you expect another marriage?".

Ranasa knew that his wife didn't approve of Anamika for their son's marriage but thought it will change with time. But it seems like, the issue is taking another direction. May be it is about time, he takes control of the internal issues.

Ranisa was about to answer him when Pandit ji interrupted her and said, "No need to worry Ranasa. As per Yuvraj's horoscope, his marriage life will be that of Lord Ram. So he will have only one wife in this entire lifetime."

Ranasa was happy and relieved hearing that. But the other two were not. This definitely pulled down their confidence but it wouldn't stop them from trying. Ranasa noticed that the Pandit ji is frowning which he questioned.

Pandit ji replied, "It's nothing Ranasa. Although the future heirs will be safe and healthy, you need to be careful. Because some may try to harm them before even they reach the earth. So please try to be careful."

Ranasa nodded at him and kept his fear inside him. Then they thanked the Pandit ji and sent him off. Ranasa was indulged in deep thinking about the necessary security measures regarding his grandchildren.


Hi Guys,

Sorry for late update. This chapter is just 100 words short of 1k words which is my normal length. Since I didn't update yesterday, I'm updating now with the short chapter.

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