Chapter 15 - Friends

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Whatever I have written in this chapter is purely fictional and is not historically accurate.

Yuvraj returned to Anamika's chamber at night. How much ever work he has, he wouldn't miss coming to help her cook. Since he couldn't trust any maids, he cannot ask them to help her making food. Now they cooked dinner together and had it. They retired to bed and cuddled each other. He was simply massaging her head resting on his chest while Anamika was fast asleep.

Pratap couldn't stop thinking about the scroll he received yesterday. Thinking about that, he also fell asleep. The next morning Anamika was doing puja when Pratap woke up. Usually they would do the puja together but today he woke up quite late. Seeing her, Pratap quickly went to the bathroom to take a bath and got ready.

Anamika finished her puja(Prayer) and showed him the aarthi(holy fire), which he took and then they prepared and had their breakfast. Anamika was observing him from yesterday and noticed that he was unusually calm. So she pulled him to sit on the couch with her and asked him, "Pratap, why are you so dull from yesterday? Any problem? "

Anamika couldn't guess the matter as she is not attending the court nowadays, due to her pregnancy. And it is Pratap who will narrate the court proceedings everyday for her. Looking at her, Pratap contemplated whether to discuss it with her or not, since it might stress her. Finally he decided to tell her as she deserves to know the state matters as the future queen.

Pratap said, "Anamika, I got a letter yesterday".  Anamika was waiting for him to continue as he took a pause. He continued, " from the Maratha prince, Malhar Rao Holkar. He is one of my friends from Gurukul. He asked for my help in his ongoing war with the rebellion groups under the leadership of the last mughal prince who has been in hiding after their dynasty was brought down."

Anamika instantly recognized the issue as even in her previous lifetime, they had asked for help and Pratap had refused help because he didn't want to miss the birth of his first child from Saudamini. Moreover Anamika was also not in a good state of mind and her relationship with Pratap was also deteriorating that she didn't get the chance to discuss this issue with him. And since he didn't help them last time, the rebellion was going on and off for nearly ten years, as they go to hiding and then attack after gathering resources. Due to that, the maratha king didn't get married to his betrothed for ten years as per his oath to get married after finishing these rebels and the last mughal prince.

Putting her thoughts of the previous lifetime aside, Anamika asked Pratap who was in deep thoughts, "What have you decided?". To which Pratap replied, "I wish I could help him now. But I don't want to involve in this at the moment when you are pregnant. Not just because I don't want to miss these important moments but also because I don't want to let you go through this phase alone. I know that it will affect our friendship and as a friend it is not right on my part but I couldn't help it". Anamika expected this answer.

Last time, when Pratap refused to help, Malhar Rao didn't reply anything but didn't accept the help when Pratap offered it after Saudamini's delivery. The war took ten years because the mughal prince was backed by the Sultanate of Ottoman Empire.  Once the war had ended after ten long years, Pratap tried to rekindle his friendship but it didn't happen. Later by God's grace, it happened through the marriage of their son Abhimanyu and Malhar Rao's daughter, whom thankfully was liked and chosen by Abhimanyu.

Anamika didn't want Pratap to refuse help this time. There are two reasons for that, one being that if Pratap helps them, they could have easily captured the mughal prince and end the war earlier. Second reason being their friendship need not be kept at stake which led them to fight against each other in the previous lifetime when Yuvraj went for his expedition.

So Anamika told him, "Pratap, I think you should help them". Pratap was quite surprised at her suggestion and somewhat angry too. "Anamika, do you realize what you are asking me to do? It's not about winning or losing. It's about me being there for you especially when we got such a happiness after these many years. Within a month, you will have a baby shower function and I don't want to miss it. And I cannot miss the birth of my children for the world", Pratap replied to her.

Anamika sighed and replied, "Pratap, I'm not asking you to go. Instead you can simply send only one third of our army, since their kingdom is small they are lacking soldiers and other resources which the mughal prince gets from overseas. So you can simply help them with this, apart from that they won't need much help. Even if they need you in person, you can go after seeing your children. If you mention the same in your reply letter, they will understand".

Pratap also felt her suggestions to be correct because he too knows the valour of his dear friend Malhar Rao and right now all he needs is an assurance of some support from him. So he nodded at Anamika and stood up to leave to meet Ranasa regarding this matter. But he stopped and came near her and kissed her forehead and said, "You saved my friendship as well as both our Kingdoms relationship of brotherhood. You are the best in whatever role you do, be it my wife or my Queen". Saying so he left from there leaving a smile on Anamika's face.


Hi guys,

This may be a bit boring but next update, we will see Anamika's baby shower ceremony. So stay tuned.

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