Request for hallohellohola

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Sophie's POV:-

Today is a Friday night, and my friend Cami invited me to play bowling with her and her boyfriend. 

"There's also gonna be another friend of mine.", she said.


"Harry. You haven't met him, he's cool."

I nod and tell her I'll be there. I wear my black ripped jeans with a white shirt and a black jacket on top. I did my hair and wore my shoes. 

When it was time, they came to pick me up. 

"There he is, Harry!", Jack, Cami's boyfriend yelled as we reached the bowling arena.

I watched as a tall handsome man turned around and smiled, revealing dimples. He hugged Jack and Cami. 

"Hi, I'm Harry.", he introduced to me.

"Hi Harry, I'm Sophie.", I return the smile and we hugged. 

We start bowling, and had a lot of fun. I couldn't seem to look away from Harry, and whenever I would look at him, he would be looking at me. Then we'd both smile sheepishly and look away.

 We thought the night ended early so we end up going to Cami's and Jack's house to chat and play some board games. 

While we were playing, we were eating ice cream. I accidentally bit into an almond and whimper as a sprang of pain irrupted in my mouth. 

"You okay Sophie?", Harry asked, placing a hand on my arm.

I nod, but feel my eyes tear up.

"What's wrong?", Cami asked.

"I bit into an a-almond and now it hurts.", I explained.

"Oh! Don't worry, Harry's a dentist.", Jack said and Harry nodded. 

"I can take a look at it.", he said. "We can go to my family practice."

I decided to agree and we go to his family practice. 

"You can take a seat there.", Harry smiled and pointed to the dental chair. I slouch to the chair and Cami gave me a reassuring look. Jack had waited outside.

Harry washed his hands, wiped them on a towel and then took a seat on the rolling chair. 

"Can you tell me where your pain is love?", Harry asks, looking at me as he snapped on latex gloves. 

"At the back of my mouth, top right side."

"Okay, I'm gonna lean your chair back so I can see.", he said and I felt the chair go back. 

"Relax.", Cami said and I shot her a look. 

Harry pulled out a mask to place on his face and positioned the light to my mouth. 

"Open your mouth as much as you can for me.", Harry said.

I opened and he looked around, then gently pulled my cheek away with the mirror. "Ahh you bit into it a little too hard, and chipped your tooth.", he said. He kept the mirror down, the other hand holding my mouth open and sprayed water to that tooth. Then he took the suction and cleared it off.

"There was some blood.", he explained, taking an explorer along with the mirror again. After he looked enough he switched off the light and let me close. 

"It's chipped pretty bad Sophie, I don't think I can save it. So I'm gonna have to pull it out. Is that okay?"

Well it wasn't, but whatever. 

I nod. "Alright I have to numb you up real quick and then it's all quick."

He told me to open again and rubbed some numbing gel near my gums. 

I freaked out when I saw Harry prepping a needle. 

I hate needles. 

"Oh shit, she doesn't like needles.", Cami said as my breathing got uneven. 

"It's okay love, breathe.", Harry exaggerated deep breaths and Cami rubbed my shoulder helpfully. 

"Are you okay?"

I nod still shaken up and crying quietly.

"Cami do you wanna go with Jack? He must be bored.", Harry said. 

"Okay. Sophie don't worry, Harry's my dentist too, he's so good with needles and everything.", Cami consoled me before leaving.

Harry came closer to me and took my hand. He smiled, didn't say anything. Just his squeeze on my hand and his calm energy was enough for me to relax a little.

Okay I'm staring at him again.

His long fingers brushed some of my tears away. 

"What's your favorite movie?", he asked.

I was taken aback but I told him my favorite movie. And after that he just talked to me for some time, I didn't even know we're here and why we're here. 

Then he whispered clearly, "I'm never going to hurt you Sophie. It'll be just a little pinch, and you'll hardly feel that too because of the numbing gel. Trust me, it'll be painless for you."

"O-Okay.", I nod. 

"Good. Just take some deep breaths and close your eyes, I'll be done before you know it. Are you ready to start?"


He nods and puts his mask to his face again, lowering the chair and switching the light on. He sat directly behind me, and brought my chin up, then turned it to an angle. "Open wide love."

I opened and closed my eyes. I felt him pull back my cheek. "Now you just need to relax and trust me, okay?"

I hum. "Deep breath in."

I did as told. "Out slowly." Just as I started letting it out I felt a small pinch. It wasn't bad though. 

"You're doing great, three more places so you're completely numb.", he said moving it to another area. 

"And that's it! You took that like a champ!", he said pulling away. 

"No more shots?"

"No more shots.", he laughed and put out his hand for a high five. 

I smiled and gave him one. 

"Your smile's beautiful by the way.", he winked.

I blushed."Thanks."

 We continued to talk until I got numb and when he was sure I was, he took out the pliers to remove my tooth. There was a little pressure but I could handle that.

"Bite.", he said stuffing the area with cotton. 

"All done.", he smiled and disposed away his gloves and mask. He switched the light off and brought the chair up. 

"Do you wanna take your tooth home?", he joked, showing my the tooth he removed.

I made a face and he laughed. "You can keep it.", I teased. "And thank you so much." I accept his hand to get up and hug him. 

"No problem love.", he rubbed my back. "And um, I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah?", I ask.

"Would you like to go out with me sometime?", he blurted out quickly.

"Like", I smile.

"Yes.", he quickly whispered out.

"I'd love to."

Harry and I started dating, fell in love and became a couple. We had many more couple dates with Cami and Jack, fun nights of bowling with games and food. He is the perfect boyfriend ever.  


So sorry for taking so much time, I had my boards. Hope you're all safe and happy, thank you for reading. If you have any requests, feel free to message me. Have a nice day/night! Love you! xx

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