Request for lottieast1

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Y/N's POV:-

"Zayn nooo!"

"But why not!?", Zayn, your boyfriend, whines back. 

You sigh and walk away from him. "Why do you want to do that?"

"It'll be fun babe!", Zayn says and you scoff. "Poking inside my mouth with your scary looking tools is fun to you!?"

He smiled and grabbed your wrist, circles one arm around your waist and you squeal as you try to get away from him but end up plopped on his lap. 

"Are you scared?", he asks, placing his hand on your cheek.

You pout and cuddle into his shirt. "Yeah. I don't like the dentist."

"Why did you say yes to being my girlfriend?", he jokes and you slap his arm. Zayn's a dentist and you hate that. "Okay, okay, angry cat. Tell me why you're scared."

He kisses your hair, smoothing his hand down your back. "Hm?"

"I don't know, just the stupid light, the tools, I feel like a prisoner when I'm on that chair.", you confess. 

"Aw, I wouldn't want you to feel like that.", he coos. "Y/N, you know me, you trust me, you know I won't hurt you. So why don't we give it a try? I promise I'll go at your pace, not force anything."

You take a deep breath, your hand over his heart steadily breathing. You wanted to make him happy and you knew you had to go to the dentist, it's been over a year.


Zayn cheers and kisses you. "I love you!"

"I love you too. But, after that you're buying me ice cream."

"You have a deal babe.", he laughs and nuzzles his nose into your neck.


You shouldn't have agreed to his charm that day. Now sitting on the uncomfortable chair in Zayn's exam room, you regret it all. 

"How long has it been since your last visit babe?", he asks.

 "Uh..more than a year?"

"That's okay love.", he rubs your arm as you think that would be disgusting for him as a dentist to hear.

"Do you have any pain or discomfort anywhere in your mouth?"


"Good. We can get started then."

Zayn was in his scrubs and he sat on the rolling chair next to you. You fiddled with the ends of the bib he had put around your neck. 

He gently takes your hand and kisses it, giving you a beautiful smile that made you calm down a little. "It's okay, baby. Remember what we talked about? It's you in control, not me."

You smile softly and nod back. 

"Can I lean your chair back?", he asks. 

"Uh huh."

He leans it back and you hold on to his hand you were still holding. He rubs circles on it with his thumb.

"What do you call a pony with a sore throat?", he asks with a cheeky little smile.


"Come on!"
"Fine, what?"

"A little hoarse.", he clears his throat. You stare at him amused for a second before giggling. He laughed. 

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