37. Tricks

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I stayed right next to Arch as we followed the group of vampires. I couldn't relax around them. For one, their scent was unnerving. Like... frozen death. Corpse in a freezer. And two, their stares were too intense, and whenever one of them even glanced at me, I had to look away. I would've asked to go back to Aurora's if I wasn't dying to see their magic.

Arch could probably tell I was uncomfortable because he kept himself always between me and them. I was so grateful for it. His presence gave me comfort and strength, and I knew I'd be just fine.

We arrived at the massive walls that were still not finished. I watched as the leader lady, Heidi, stepped right next to it and pressed her hand against it.

"Let's start with runes of indestructible," she said, turning to her companions. "Every single log has to have one."

"Yes, Mother," they spoke in unison and bowed before pulling out small brushes and tiny cans of glowing red paint out of thin air.

As the rest of us watched, they took a piece of fence and started painting the elaborate runes.

"How about shrinking spells on the outside?" the leader male, Wendell, said with a smirk.

Heidi rolled her big eyes at him. "Bloody children..." she mumbled, turning her attention back to the fence.

"What? It's a great spell."

"Fine. Shrinking runes on the outside."


"Yes, Mother."

"Please make sure no one goes two feet closer to the fence on the outer side," Heidi turned to speak to Rayleigh. "The spell will wear off, eventually, but let's not waste the spells."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Are those the wards?" Heidi spoke when she potted a Spirit Walker totem on our left. We followed her when she approached it and stopped to watch when she placed her hands on it. "Old magic... Powerful magic, but that one shadow could still get through it."

"There are no wards strong enough to keep champion spirits at bay," Natalie spoke.

"Perhaps. But we can make it trigger an alarm if one passes through it," Heidi said, gesturing for one of her children to come to her. "Here – we need runes of alarm on each of these. They will detect any disruptions in the spell. That way we at least know when one has entered the shielded area."

"I'm on it, Mother," the younger vampire said and started painting.

I was so fascinated by their work that I completely forgot to be wary of them. I stepped closer to see the younger vampire paint a highly detailed, round symbol with a dozen lines and dots that seemed completely random.

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