44. Silence

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'Hades?' I called in the middle of the night, unable to sleep.

Nothing. I still couldn't feel the god's presence, and it worried me. How could the enemy destroy my connection to him that easily? Was it even possible to restore the connection? Was Hades all right? I had so many questions, and as always, no one was there to answer me. No one knew the answers.

But it wasn't Hades that worried me the most. The enemy was now inside my head. He was able to see and hear through me, and I had no idea if I could cast him out.

I let out a slow breath and focused on listening to the sleeping sounds in the house. I shouldn't be anywhere near them. I wasn't sure if anyone else had thought of that, but they should be thinking about it. As long as the enemy was able to use me as his eyes and ears, I should stay away from this place.

Maybe I really should leave.

'That is exactly what he wants, you know," Cameron said.

'I miss the time when I could think in private...' I told him and sighed.


'How are you holding up?'

'I'll rip your throat out from inside if you ask me that again.'

'Fair enough.'

I didn't try to talk to him again. Instead, I focused on my problem with the enemy. I knew he wanted me to get away from my friends and family, especially Jaden, who was able to keep me from going completely mad. But if I stayed, I could be leaking our plans to the enemy.

Which was worse?

'Hmm, let's see...' Cameron muttered, and I did not miss the sarcasm in his inner voice. 'To let the enemy see your pathetic little plans, or to release a crazed mass murderer upon this land?'

I rolled my eyes.

'Yeah, I'm sure it's much more important to keep your plans hidden from him. You know, the plans you don't even fucking have,' he added.

'You're such a sunshine, you know that?' I asked with a snort.

'I'd be in a much better mood if you all weren't such idiots...'

'Tell me then, champion, what would you do in our shoes?'

'Roll over and die.'

I had to laugh a little. There was nothing to laugh about, but there was something about his hateful spark that amused me.

'Can I ask you something?' I asked.


'What did he want you to do when you first invaded our land and possessed Ryder?'

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