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"Hey! Get your own cloth, Norris!" Xenia yells as she sees Lando grabbing her cleaning cloth out of the bucket filled with warm water and all-purpose-cleaner.

Lando grins. "I bought it."

"Can you just continue vaccuuming or something." Xenia pointed to the vaccuum laying in the middle of the livingroom. "I'm already done."

Xenia squints her eyes. "You are so lying."

"Nopé." Lando sticks out his tongue and cleans the table by his couch.

"Go find something else to do then." Xenia puts her hands on her hips and watched him clean.

Lando scoffs and rolls with his eyes violenty, as a joke.

"Your done.. your done." Xenia spats out of nowhere, she walks to Lando and tries to grab the cloth back out of his hands.

Lando stands up straight as he hold the cleaning cloth high in the air. "Grab it then."

Xenia tries to grab it, just so that Lando keeps it higher in the air. He brought his face down to the her face, their lips close together. Xenia feels his breath on her cheeks. "I said; grab it."

"Oii, lovebirds!" Max yells out of nowhere, he steps into the livingroom with his own bucket. Xenia bounced back on her feet after standing on her tippy toes and creates distance between her and Lando.

Lando lays the cloth on the top of her hair and walks away. "Norris." Xenia sighs. She grabs the cloth from her hair and brings it back to the bucket.

"I know you love me." Lando sings as he grabs the vaccuum.

"Maybe. I thought you were done, huh?" Xenia asked teasing. "Yeah with downstairs, I'm now going upstairs." He smiles and walks away. "Bye love."

"You guys are really grossing me out." Max mutters as he cleans the bucket in the sink.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" Xenia asks as she nows cleans the drawers. "No, I don't have one." Max simply says.

"Maybe it's time for one then."

Max turns his head, he now faces Xenia as she sends him a sweet smile. "No, I'm happy where I am, right now." Max says, he dries the bucket and puts it away in a cabinet under the sink.

"Okay then, Fewtrell." Xenia mutters with a sly smirk on her lips.

AFTER four hours of cleaning the house was finally clean. The clock hit one in the afternoon. Xenia looked away from the clock when her stomach rumbled.

"Are you hungry?" Lando asked, sitting next to her on the couch. Both relaxing after the whole cleaning session.

"Hmm, yes." Xenia admits.

"Me too. I'm in for some dirty fast food." Lando smiles, day dreaming about some fast food restaurants they can go too.

"Are you reading my mind?" Xenia grins.

"Yeah. I already was reading your mind from the beginning.. I know you are in love with me since day one..." Lando teases.

"Nah-uh. I don't do love." Xenia says playing.

Lando gazes Xenia from the corner of his eyes. "Don't play with me." Lando mutters.

"Do you guys want to bring me something?" Max his voice sounds from the kitchen. The two people on the couch looked up and faced Max.

"Did I interrupt something?" Max said, his feet stopping from walking into the livingroom.

"No." Lando sended him a weak smile.

"What do you want to order, sir?" Xenia then said.

"A big m—"

"Ah fuck!" Lando interrupts Max. "What!?" Max yells back.

"That stupid dumb f—" Lando throws his phone away, it falls right on the carpet in front of him.

"What?" Xenia asks then.

Lando runs his hand through his hair in frustation. "Lily posted a photo dumb from New Years and guess what?" Lando laughs wicked.

Max and Xenia both raised their eyebrows, waiting for an answer from the curled, headed boy.

"She posted a photo of me kissing Xenia on her fucking Instagram!!" Lando says angry. Xenia blinks at the angry Lando next to her, he is a couple seconds away from blewing steam out of his air.

"Show me." Xenia grabs his phone from the ground and gives it. Lando unlocks it and shows the photo. Lando is seen with his back to the camera.. indeed kissing a girl. Xenia. Me. Oh shit. But wait... I'm not visible at all.. she thought.

"Ehm.. mate.. The internet is going crazy." Max threws his phone in the air and points to it.

"Yeah, thanks for pointing out, mate, I know!" Lando stands up, his shoves his phone back in his pocket and throws his hand behind his head as he starts to walk circles in his livingroom.

"Just call her." Xenia her soft voice spoke. "And then what?" Lando kept on walking in circles.

"Tell her to take the post down?" Xenia let her back rest on the couch as her green eyes follow Lando through the room. "Ehm, no. She is not going to do that, I'm hundred percent sure." Lando sighs.

"Oh, you already linked to eight different girls." Max says out of nowhere laughing, his eyes glued on his phone.

"Can you just shut up? You are not making the situation better!" Lando says bitter. Max rolls his eyes and keeps on looking through Twitter.

Xenia opens up her mouth to speak but shuts her mouth when Lando's ringtone is heard. Lando grabs his phone out of his pocket and starts to growl softly. "Fuccckkk." He sings.

Xenia looks up with a questioning face. Max is still occupied on his phone.

"Zak is calling me." And with that he storms out of the room to pick up his phone.

trouble in paradise...

housekeeping | lando norrisWhere stories live. Discover now