Chapter 29

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Aadhira's eyes widen in shock as he turns towards her and does the unthinkable thing of taking out his kerchief and stuffs it in her mouth stopping her from speaking and throws her over his arms and takes her up the stairs.

She hits her fists on his back "Mmmm.. mmmm". He makes her stand once he reaches the terrace and removes the kerchief tied to her mouth. She starts hitting his arms and chest "You.. idiot.. how dare you.. what the.. how could you.. I'm going down right now..".

He shakes his head and holds her wrist as she turns to leave and pulls her back. He pushes her lightly towards the wall and cages her between himself and the wall not letting her leave from there.

She was startled by his action and tries to push him resting her hands on his chest. She could feel his heart beating erratically under her hand, she lifts her eyes to look at him. He looks at her "I'm not going to do anything Aadhira.. relax.. I just wanted to talk".

She keeps looking at him, blinking her deer like eyes "Why is your heart beating so fast..". He looks elsewhere not meeting her eyes, How do I tell you Aadhira.. it's all because of you.. no I cannot!!.. no matter what I feel for her she affects me.. but I should not let her know about that.

She presses on his chest more "Karthik", he looks at her "You are so heavy and I carried you up the stairs so my heart will beat fast only right with all the exertion". She fumes as soon as she hears that "I didn't ask you to carry me.. Idiot let me go.. you kidnapped me.. I can shout now also.. I will tell everyone that you kidnapped me... uhhh I don't want to talk to you.. I told you ri...".

He steps closer to her leaving no gap between them. She looks at him shocked as he covers mouth with his hand "Do you ever know to keep quiet Aadhira.. how much do you speak.. shhh.. I saw you were frustrated with the way your parents were behaving so I just brought you here to calm you down.. that's all.. will you listen to me peacefully now.."

She nods still her eyes widened in shock, he removes his hand from her mouth. She keeps looking at him "Aadhira you know your parents more than anyone.. you know their nature.. they are a bit conservative when it comes to all this.. they may think I have done all this.. there are many who think of son-in-law as if they are a higher species..

As if they hold the utmost importance.. more than their own daughter.. I know it hurts you.. and I'm sure it would hurt every girl when she sees her parents giving so much importance to someone else and talking as if he is doing you a favour.. but you don't worry Aadhira.. we can make them understand that all this is wrong.. all of us are a family and everyone in a family is equal"

Aadhira looks at him "But why do we have to make them understand that.. why is always a man considered more important than a woman.. it's like no matter what I will do they will consider your opinion above all.. I had asked them for the Sangeet so many times before you.. they refused everytime.. but you just asked them once and they are okay with it.. I really don't understand this bias.. now all time they are like ma Alludu ithi.. ma Alludu adhi (My son-in-law this.. my son-in-law that).. where is Aadhira in all this.. it's like they have forgotten everything I have done or that I exist".

He keeps looking at her and cups her cheeks in his hand "Shhh.. I understand it would be really hard for you see and hear that.. don't worry Aadhira we will change their perspective.. we will make them understand that both of us are equal.. in this relationship.. and let me tell you my mom and dad love you more than me.. they cannot believe that you agreed to marry me.. You know I feel like you are only their daughter they keep talking about you".

She chuckles at the last part "Yeah.. who else would agree to marry a man like you.. who doesn't know anything other than eating food and eating brain..". He smiles looking at her smiling "I know I eat food.. but I don't eat brain.. okay..". She looks at him "Really.. you literally shoved your kerchief into my mouth.. threw me over you shoulder.. kidnapped me to the terrace.. and you tell me itself that I'm heavy.. you know you are an irritating idiot right.."

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