Chapter 31

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Karthik's plea to drive back home was disregarded by the driver saying that it was Amma's order to drop them both at Blue Moon Hotel with a room already pre-booked for their wedding night which was personally looked upon by Ayush Chakravarthy, Yash's elder brother. As soon as Karthik and Aadhira reached they were escorted to their room.

Karthik and Aadhira enter the room which was decorated with rose petals, balloons and candles for their wedding night.

Karthik and Aadhira enter the room which was decorated with rose petals, balloons and candles for their wedding night

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Aadhira smiles looking at the decorations "Aren't they beautiful", Karthik looks at her shocked "Aadhira what the.. you know our marriage isn't.. we are not..". Aadhira turns towards him "I know what we are!!.. and what we are not!!.. so no need to tell me again and again.. but that doesn't mean you can't admire the decorations or appreciate the efforts that has gone behind this".

Karthik looks elsewhere while Aadhira goes to balcony to get fresh air. She was already feeling irritated with her husband's words. Karthik also follows behind her "Now what do we do". Aadhira keeps looking the other way "I don't know.. we should just clear all these decorations and sleep.. but I won't be able to sleep in this heavy lehenga.. I really can't..".

Karthik goes back inside to check the closet if his family by chance had left some comfortable clothes for them. Karthik finds a pair of track pants and T-shirt for him while for Aadhira he finds a pair of pajamas and T-shirt. Aadhira goes back inside after a few minutes, she sees Karthik checking the closet.

Karthik hands over the pajamas to her while he takes the track pants and T-shirt and goes to freshen up. Aadhira goes to the dressing table and starts removing all the accessories. She removes them and moves back towards the balcony waiting for Karthik to freshen up. She keeps looking at the sky, at the moon that was shining bright.

Karthik freshens up, he searches for Aadhira as soon as he comes out of the washroom. He doesn't find her anywhere in the room, he sees her jewellery kept safely on the dressing table, where did she go.. that too with that heavy dress, he hears some hushed voices. He walks towards the voice and finds her in the balcony, she was talking on the phone.

It was a cold night, her hair keeps flying to cold winds blowing, a smile kept playing on her face as she kept talking on the phone. She didn't even notice his presence, she was busy on her phone "Yeah yeah.. don't talk.. you didn't even attend my wedding.. how unfair Karan.. this is so not done.. you were my only friend from college right.. how could you do this to me".

She again chuckles hearing something and keeps smiling "Will you shut up.. and I'm married now stop flirting.. Mental you are.. you called to congratulate me right do that and go.. I don't need your flirting.. go do it with someone else..". She again chuckles hearing something which makes Karthik fume, she is talking with him so casually even if he is flirting with her.. how could you Aadhira..

He goes back inside and starts blowing off all the candles and roughly pushing all the rose petals from the bed in his anger. Aadhira comes back inside in a couple of minutes, she sees Karthik pushing away everything from the bed. She rushes to him as he was about to push a glass kept on the side table down "Karthik what are you doing.. stop it.. you will hurt yourself.. leave it".

She holds his hand, he turns to look at her, his eyes boring into hers "Why do you care.. I can take care of myself Aadhira.. you are my wife just for the sake of my parents.. I love Navya.. Will keep loving her.. her only.. you don't have to do anything for me.. don't do anything for me that's all!!.. live your life the way you want.. just remember my conditions..".

She looks at him as his words prick her heart "It's not like I feel anything for you.. I accepted to get married to you for what reasons that you know.. and as far your conditions are considered nobody would make up such conditions.. but I don't care.. I'm not going to interfere in your life.. I don't even understand what is your problem in life.. you already told me once that you love someone else.. why do you have to keep repeating it again and again..

Are you saying it to me or repeating it to yourself.. I don't know why you have so much problem with me.. if you have any issues atleast tell me what it is.. if you don't tell me what is your actual problem you think I can magically go into your brain and understand it or what.. at times I'm tired of your multiple personality disorder.. one time you do things which I don't even imagine like a crazy person and next minute you go all angry and serious.. I really think you have some serious issues..

And you know what I don't know why I try to make you understand when I know you won't.. you are one of those who understand.. yet act like you don't want to understand.. I can't do anything in such cases.. so just forget it". She takes her clothes and goes into the washroom to change her clothes.

She changes her clothes and comes out of the washroom in her floral pajamas. She sees that Karthik was not in the room, she checks the balcony, he was not there also. She tries to call him, but his phone keeps ringing in the room itself, she rolls her eyes, Godd!! Why is this man so irritating.. what do I do now.. why am I even worrying he can take care of himself right.. I just want to sleep.. it's been a long and tiring day..

She cleans up the bed and removes all the balloons stuck to the ceiling of the room. She takes the extra pillows and puts them in the middle of the bed, Why the hell this room doesn't have a couch.. I would have made his bed on the couch and slept on the bed.. now I have to share this bed with that irritating man whose head I want to bang nicely against the wall till his brain starts functioning..

She lies down on her side of the bed, she tries to be awake for Karthik to return but she drifts into sleep in a few minutes being tired of the day's events. Karthik returns to the room after an hour, he was again getting affected by Aadhira and he wanted to clear his head and breathe in fresh air.

He was roaming around in the garden of the hotel trying to clear his head, Karthik you have to stay away from Aadhira.. it's better for your heart and health.. don't let her or her words affect you.. you love Navya and only Navya.. the love you had for Aadhira is gone!!.. long gone!!.. 7+ long years back!!.. don't try to rekindle it back!!.. it will only hurt!!.. your heart has been broken twice Karthik!!.. are you really ready to trust her and get it broken again.. No right!!.. then don't!!.. don't even think about her!!..

After which he goes back to the room and sees Aadhira sleeping already. She was sleeping peacefully but his heart and mind were having a kind of storm in them. He lies down on his side of the bed facing the ceiling, but sleep doesn't reach his eyes no matter how tired he was because of the day's events.

He turns to look at Aadhira "She creates a havoc inside me and sleeps peacefully.. wow!!.. I should have been in that place and she in mine.. maybe then she would understand my condition.. my heart's condition.. my lack of trust!!.. my problem with her!!.. my mixed feelings towards her!!.. but she will not understand now or ever!!.."

He gets up and goes towards the balcony, Why am I yearning for her when I need to stay away!!.. miles away from her!!.. I got married to her due to Maa and Dad right.. why is my heart hell bent on going back to the past.. and the person because of whom it broke in the first place.. if Navya broke my heart by leaving me on the day of our engagement.. Aadhira had shattered my heart to pieces with her unacceptable behaviour..

I need to stay away.. a week of pretending in front of Maa and dad!!.. after that we will be in Birmingham where I will be in my own schedule.. I won't have to see her neither in the morning nor in the night with my tight schedule.. then I won't have any problem staying away from her.. she can do whatever she want with her life.. I need to control myself and my emotions for a week more..

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