Chapter 12

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Jeff begins his search for Slenderman after that. He disappears for days as he searches, hoping he'd somehow be able to find the ancient being. Y/N supported him the entire time, making sure he had plenty of food and supplies while he was gone. She didn't degrade him or discourage him from his search and he was thankful for that. His name started spreading and he ended up with a huge following. Little did he know that was exactly what he needed in order to make contact with the one and only Slenderman. A year passes as he and Y/N make their lives in the cabin, Y/N trying to live a somewhat normal life as she forces him to do school whenever he came home from his search. She still drives him to different states and towns so he can continue murdering people, ignoring Jeff's occasional comments on how 'crazy' she was for supporting him.

Today was one of his days where he was exploring the forest for the one and only Slenderman. He marks the trees so he knew where he had been as he continues his search, his little sanity beginning to unravel more and more as his obsession with finding Slenderman grows. The thought that Slenderman might not even exist never actually crosses his mind. He knew, some part of him just knew the being existed and he was determined to find him. What he didn't disclose to Y/N was that he didn't actually care about living with the being. No, he wanted to murder Slenderman. He wanted to prove that he was to be the most feared killer out there! He would find him and he would end his life! Jeff chuckles as he trudges through the woods, tossing his knife into the air as he traverses through the terrain.

"You're trespassing," A voice snarls before Jeff is slammed against the tree.

"You're real!" He gasps, his teeth glimmering.

He grabs his knife and slams it through Slender's arm, laughing as he snarls and jerks away. Jeff lunges at Slenderman, the two winding up in a fight. Jeff barely escapes with his life, limping back to the cabin and collapsing in the kitchen chair when he makes it home.

"Jeff?! Oh my god! What happened?!" Y/N cries, rushing to him and looking over his injuries.

"I found him! He's real and I found him!" Jeff laughs manically, his knife clutched in his hand.

"Jesus, he's worse than I thought!" Y/N sighs.

"I attacked him first. Caught the bastard by surprise," He snickers.

"What the hell?! I thought you wanted to make friends?!" She asks him in shock.

"Ha! As if! He gives me something to work towards Y/N! I'm going to kill him! I'm gonna end his life!" Jeff laughs. "I've never felt more alive!"

"Are you fucking stupid?! You're a HUMAN Jeff! He's a fucking monster. You can't kill him!" Y/N protests.

"I can and I will! I'm going to get stronger!" Jeff sneers. "I know where he's at and I'm going to destroy him."

"Jeff! I'm not letting you go on a suicide mission like that! I'm not letting you do it!" Y/N snarls.

Jeff narrows his eyes and tackles her to the floor, his knife pressing hard against her throat as he draws blood.

"You can't do shit! I was just using you! You've served your purpose and I should just end you know," Jeff chuckles, a crazed look in his eyes.

Y/N balls her hand into a fist and punches him in the face, scrambling to her feet and bolting out of the cabin. Jeff chases after her, the two grappling and scrambling for the upper hand as Jeff gives in to the insanity. He wanted to end her life. Watch the life drain from her eyes! He chases her through the forest, getting her tackled to the forest floor a few times. He lifts his knife and tries to stab it into her chest, her arm shielding him from stabbing her in the heart. Over and over again she manages to defend herself and get away from Jeff, stumbling through the trees. She comes across a cliff with a river raging below. She looks back at Jeff before she dives off the cliff, plunging into the icy waters.

Jeff screams and curses as Y/N disappears beneath the rapids, cursing as he paces back and forth. Dammit! He was supposed to kill her! He was supposed to end her life! She was the last link to what little sanity he had left and she got away! Tch, it didn't matter. She was probably going to drown. He'd just walk the river bank until he found her lifeless body. Now he had no one to interfere in his goals and tell him he was being stupid for hunting down Slenderman. He could dedicate his existence to killing the being. He didn't give a shit about finding a 'normal' life or family! He wanted strength! He wanted to become known as the being who murdered the infamous Slenderman! Jeff makes his way back through the forest and to the cabin, getting a content night's sleep. He had a new goal and no one was there to stop him.

Y/N washes up a few miles down the river bank, crawling through the mud and collapsing in the grass as the stars peak between the trees. Her vision swims as her arms bleed from where she had defended herself from Jeff's attacks. She curls up and for the first time in a long time she truly breaks down. She screams and sobs, knowing she had officially lost the last of her family. Liu was gone and she knew she had officially lost Jeff. If she returned she was sure to lose her life but she had no idea how to return anyway! She didn't know where she was and if she wasn't careful she could die out here! Soft whimpers leave her lips as she trembles from the dropping temperature, her vision swimming as the cold seems to seep into her bones. Was this it? Was this how she died?

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