Chapter 24

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"You're awake!" Jeff cries when he comes rushing into the infirmary.

"I am," Y/N says with a gentle smile. "Did I worry my little brother?"

"Tch, hardly," Jeff grumbles out.

"Gotta love puberty," Y/N remarks, laughing when Jeff flushes bright red.

She's not able to laugh long, gasping and coughing as she doubles over from pain in her chest, Jeff quick to come over and force her to lay back.

"Don't kill yourself again," He complains.

"Sorry," She remarks a bit weakly, a huff leaving Jeff. "Oh? Who's your friend?"

Jeff turns to see Smile Dog had followed, surprised when the husky jumps into the bed and lays on Y/N's legs.

"Smile Dog," He announces, grinning whem Y/N's eyes widen in surprise.

"He helped us find you," Jeff adds on, a bit of jealousy in his voice. Smile Dog had yet to lay on his lap!

"Thank you," She smiles, the husky melting when she scratches his ears. "Talk about a very good boy."

Smile dog grins, his tail rapidly hitting the bed at Y/N's words. She giggles with delight at this and continues to scratch his ears, Jeff surprised to see how happy she looked. He grits his teeth at this, his hands shaking as they clench into fists.

"Y-You idiot! How can you be so calm after you nearly died?!" He snarls, catching everyone by surprise. "What were we supposed to do if you had died?!"

"You have family here now and you make it very clear to me I'm not welcome in your life. You would have moved on just fine!" Y/N fires back as anger fills her. "It's not my fault you hate me!"

"I don't hate you!" Jeff cries, finally breaking and throwing his arms around Y/N. "You idiot! You're family before them! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything."

Y/N grunts in surprise and pain when Jeff suddenly hugs her, her eyes widening in surprise before tears fill her eyes and she hugs Jeff tight.

"I love you too Jeff. So very much," She hiccups, hugging him tight. "I don't care about anything else. I'm just happy to have my baby brother back."

"Don't ever do that again," Jeff hisses softly.

"I'll try not......," Y/N starts to say before her body suddenly goes limp.

Jeff jerks back, his eyes wide when Y/N collapses into the bed.

"Y/N?! Y/N?!" Jeff cries, shaking her shoulders. "Come on! Wake up! Please wake up! Slender! SLENDER HELP!"

"What's wrong?" Slender cries, appearing in the infirmary. "Shoot! Doctor Smiley!"

"She's getting cold again! Why is she getting cold again?!" Liu cries as he clutches her hand. "Slender!"

"Shit. Slender we need a hospital. She's bleeding somewhere," Doctor Smiley cries.

"Slender?!" Jeff and Liu cry as he scoops her into his arms.

"I'll be back," Slender says before he disappears with Y/N.

He gets her rushed into the hospital in his human form, tense as he watches the doctors wheel her away. He paces in the waiting room for word on how she's doing. He stares at the clock as the hours tick by, answering various calls from the worried pastas but having to inform them he had yet to get word.

"Mister Williams?" A nurse calls, Slender jerking to his feet.

"Yes?" He asks, feeling like his heart is going to stop at her worried look.

"We've run into an issue. She got sepsis from a broken bone and......we need permission to amputate. If we don't she may not make it through the night as no antibiotics will work fast enough," The nurse explains.

"Amputate?" Slender breathes.

Shit. He wasn't her real guardian! He couldn't make that decision for her! was that or death and he couldn't handle her dying. None of them could and he knew it. The creepypastas had found something they'd all been missing and he selfishly couldn't let die yet.

"Okay, let's amputate," He tells the nurse.

"Sign here please," She says, taking some other signatures before she hurries off.

He sighs and collapses in a chair and buried his head in his hands. Was this the right choice? Would she hate him for this?


"You can come back now. She's asleep and will be for a while so if you need to do anything or get anyone you have a few hours," The nurse smiles. "She's in room three fifteen."

"Thank you," Slender smiles before he hurries to the room.

He freezes when he sees Y/N's wrapped arm, gently picking it up. He gently rubs it over, a heavy sigh leaving him. He pauses when he sees her face shift, carefully entering her dreaming mind. He sighs when he finds her in the middle of a nightmare about him banishing her from the mansion. He sighs and gently runs his fingers through her hair.

"I'm not going to make you go anywhere young one. You're right where you belong," He tells her, waiting until she's calmed before he returns to the mansion.

It's dead silent when he enters, surprised when he finds everyone sleeping soundly around the living room. He can't help the soft chuckle, making sure everyone has a blanket before he enters the kitchen.

"Bad news?" Splendor asks, handing him a scotch on the rocks.

"Sort of? She got sepsis from her broken wrist and they had to amputate. They did it all the way up to her elbow. She's on a heavy antibiotic and pain meds so she'll be out for a while. It's a smaller hospital so no one should recognize her plus it's all under my name," Slender explains, slamming back the scotch.

"It'll be okay. She would pick it over death. I know she would," Splendor assures, gently patting his brother's shoulder. "Should I get her a hook?"

"She'll find it hilarious. I know she would," Slender snorts in amusement. "I'll stay with her until she's discharged. I know those two won't be happy but it's still too soon to have them out," Slender explains.

"Me and the other two will watch the mansion," Splendor assures his brother. "I have a feeling she's really going to need you over the next few days."

"Really?" Slender asks his brother.

"You haven't gotten to talk to her much about her past have you? You're like the dad she never got," Splendor chuckles. "Plus, I think she'd  have too much time to think by herself if you didn't."

"You're right there," Slender agrees with a nod of his head.

"Daddy?" Sally mumbles, sleepily shuffling into the kitchen as she rubs her eyes. "Where's Y/N?"

"She's still with the doctor. I need to stay with her a few days so your uncles will watch things. Okay?" Slender says, lifting her into his arms.

"Wanna take Mister Death to her?" Sally asks, holding up her bear.

"No, she'll want you to have him. Why don't you plan a welcome home party? I bet that would make her happy. Uncle Splendy can help," Slender smiles.

"Mhmm," Sally mumbles, Slender smiling as her breathing evens back out.

"I'll take her. You should get back," Splendor says, taking Sally.

"Thank you brother," Slender says before he returns to the hospital after grabbing a few things.

He returns to Y/N's room, finding she's still fast asleep but at least not having anymore nightmares. He settles on one of the seats and settles with a book on his kindle. The pastas had gotten him one for his birthday since he reads so much. He settles in for a quiet night of watching over Y/N.

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