Ace and aro spectrums

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Here are some of the different identities within the ace and aro spectrum. If you have more to add, please comment them :)

Asexual/romantic: no attraction to anyone of any gender

Demisexual/romantic: only feel attraction to someone after forming a deep bond/connection with them

Grey-sexual/romantic: the grey area. You don't really see a label that fully described your experience but you are on the ace/aro spectrum

Fraysexual/romantic: can feel attraction at first, but it goes away when you get to know the person

Reciprosexual/romantic: don't feel attraction until they know the person is attracted to them

Lithosexual/romantic: can feel attraction but it fades if the attraction is mutual

Aceflux/aroflux: sexuality changes along the ace/aro spectrum, sometimes going to allo territory

Fictosexual/romantic: only experience attraction to fictional characters

Aegosexual: disconnection between oneself and subject of arousal

Bellussexual: has interest in sexual relationships but doesn't want it

Cupiosexual/romantic: doesn't experience attraction but wants to

Iamvanosexual: wants to receive sexual acts but not perform them

Placiosexual: wants to perform sexual acts but not receive them

Platoniromantic: often can't distinguish the difference between platonic and romantic attraction

Abrosexual: is considered ace spec (but not always) and is when you're sexuality changes eg: bisexual to heterosexual, to asexual, to homosexual etc

When I was questioning, I could've really done with a list like this of just loads of different labels under the ace (and later aro) spectrum, so I hope this helps anyone who is questioning. If you are, hang in there because it is difficult but there is no feeling more satisfying than finding a label and growing into it and feeling such a strong sense of community and belonging 💜💚

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