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Oh god, my head is killing me. My phone flashes, illuminating my room.

The gang ;)
On the plane! About to take off!

See you soon ;0

A smile appears on my face forgetting the throbbing headache that caused me to wake up. How could I forget- they will be here today. I stare at the clock: 4:00 am. The time will never pass like this. I throw my head back to my pillow urging myself to fall asleep.


Forcing myself back to sleep might have been the worst thing I could have done at that moment. If I could go back, and reply to that text just once.


9:00 am

Jumping up out of bed, I grab my phone as fast I physically can. Only to the disappointment of no new texts.

Yo! How's the scenery?!

I set my phone down and try to distract myself to waste time. I will finally be able to meet them in person.

"AHHHHH" I cannot stop fidgeting, I stop myself from circling the room. I look at myself in my bathroom mirror once again. Damn, I look like shit. One last check to my phone, nothing.

"Your friends here yet?!" My brother interrupts.

"Unfortunately, no they are not" Irritation obvious in my reply.

"Chill, I was just asking" I hear his reply muttered under his breath as he walks away.

What is going on? No reply at all and they should have landed by now.


Two hours later

Finally able to calm down, I sit in front of the T. V thats playing in the living room to watch the best show ever: the news. As I scroll tiktok while it plays in the background, I am brought out of the trance of scolling by the broadcasters few words.

"Breaking news: Plane crash causes highschool volleyball team placed in the hospital! We are unsure how extreme their jnhuries are and can only hope it's nothing serious"

The crash of my phone as it falls to the floor doesn't break my gaze to the screen. Everything freezes and no one is here. Everything I've been waiting for ruined by one crash. The 1 in a million chance and it happened when the people that matter most to me in my life are on it. The quilt and worry grows and I cant move. I feel water on my cheek as my vision blurs. Tears? I'm not even the one hurt why am I the one crying? I barely knew them and they barely knew me.

I finally bend down to pick up my phone only to not know what to do. Where do I go from here? No one besides them knew me? Who do I contact? The news? Tell them what, that I'm their online friend-

I'm cut off as the news screen flips to a picture.

"The only thing we could salvage from the plane was this one box that looks to be a present from the young boys. It is addressed to Y/N. I feel terrible for all the family and friends of these young kids. I can't imagine what they are going through"

My eyes widen in shock, as I can't process my emotions. It is so unreal that I almost feel as if im dreaming. They wanted to see me.


Here ya go an unfinished chapter since I'm dropping this story. 


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