Valentines Special

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Yo I'm back from the dead 😀
So I started writing this Valentine's Day special last year but never finished. Here it is one year later.
I'm 90% sure I am dropping this story but if I am really bored I may come back to it. For now, I hope you enjoy this part as they finally meet up in a more happy way ;)
Fucking shit.

I turn around to see some guy dressed in all black. He's been following me practically the whole way home from school. I forgot my tazer today, and I have nothing in my bag that can somehow knock out a grown ass man. I swear I've never ran this fast in my life, like I'm a fat ass who just eats all day what do you expect. Well, I take that back, there was this one time I was forced to go to a K-pop concert, a mob of fangirls chased me down within 2 minutes of being there.
But seriously who the fuck follows a girl in broad day light, I would expect if you are trying to kidnap someone you would have a better plan of action. I make a quick turn around an alley corner hoping to throw this dude off, only for it to be no luck. Wearing a pair of docs was the worst coincidence as it causes me to trip. It's like I am in a horror movie and I am the stupid bitch who was the first to die.

"Im done for. There is no way I'm not killed" I mumble while crawling my way to my feet while my heart beat increases with anxiety "The news page will say, "Irrelevant girl killed in an alleyway"

The dude easily catches up to me due to my lack of stamina and endurance. Last resort, seduce him. Start my enemies to lovers arc, where I talk to him and change him for the better. I fling around to look at him only to be pulled into a fucking hug. Uh, dude they wanted a slow burn not enemies for two seconds and lovers at first meet.

"Y/N, why did you run so far" He spits out, heavily breathing. (Literally spits, there was water drops on my shirt)

"You know me?" A look of confusion prevalent on my face, which he must have noticed as he takes a step back. Allowing a clear look at his face.
Mother fucking Sugawara.

"BRUH," If we weren't in an abandoned ally my scream would have caused heads to look my way.
"We tried to reach you but you never answered-" He starts explaining himself between heavy breaths.
"So you decided to follow me?!!" The disbelief as the group of boys I have wanted to meet for forever just followed me for blocks. "Wait, where are the others" I peek behind him looking for the other members.
"Lost them" Sugawara shrugs obviously not caring too much, "We were headed to your school to surprise you when they all went off in different directions"
"Oh," I guess I kinda understand they are in America for the first time.
"GEEZ    , I am still shocked how you didn't stop after I called your name 50 times" Suga sighs while leaning against the wall
"I'm sorry... I was kinda just focused on the fact some random man was following me" I give him a half smile while starting to walk out of the alley. "So any plans for today?"
"Actually yeah," I look over in curiosity as we are turning the corner "Amusement Park"
As we turn the corner, I see a mini van that probably should have all the guys in it but they wandered off. In the drivers seat, I see a middle aged blonde haired man with an obvious irritated expression and a black haired highschool girl.
"Who is that?" Gesturing to the man in the car, not even minding the part about the amusement park. 

"Our coach, Ukai"

"Not gonna lie, he kinda fine" I look over to the man trying to lock eyes, "I should try and rizz him up fr" 

"Uh, okay whatever you say" Sugawara rolls his eyes as he pushes me into the car

"Yo, I am Ukai, the boys coach" The coach looks back at me as I'm getting into my seat. We lock eyes for a minute and I swear he's in love with me. 

"I am Kiyoko" The girl in the passengers seat simply says with a sweet voice. 

"Stop sending death stares to my coach" Suga wisphers in my ear

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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