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After spending the night together for the first time, Seth and I both become obsessed with sleeping near each other. Any time we're within a ten foot radius of each other, we find ourselves curled up on chairs, couches, beds, blankets. Anything we can find. And we never have to worry about being cold or getting caught, because everyone knows already and he's got the body heat of a furnace.

That's how I'm now having a nap in his bed while he showers. Sue took one whiff of him and sent him straight into the bathroom. She then apologized to me in case it embarrassed me, but I laughed and told her Seth was probably worse off out of the two of us. After she waved me off and sent me to his room to wait, I took one look at his bed and jumped in. He has the softest blankets. And the best part? Everything smells like him.

It's enough to put me to sleep.

Maybe sleeping in his old clothes is a bad idea, because now every time I smell anything that reminds me of him, I want to sleep. I get almost 7 hours every night. I know I'm not deprived, so the only logical explanation is that I've started associating his scent with sleep. Not great given how much time we spend together. Not to mention the constant peril everyone in Forks seems to be in. If something bad happened and all I wanted to do was take a nap with my boyfriend, we'd both be totally screwed. At least we'd be well-rested!

There's not much to do but sleep while I wait for him to finish. He's not a boring guy, and there's definitely not a lack of things in his room, but nothing fun for me to do on my own. Plus, the bed looked far too comfortable to not leap right in.

As much sleeping as I've been doing, I fall deeply asleep a few minutes after he gets into the shower. His blankets are soft and warm and I quite literally sink into his mattress when I lay on it. There's no way I'm getting out unless someone forces me. It's like I've died and entered heaven in Seth's room.

Thankfully, there's been no more nightmares since Bree paid me a visit. Seth's presence at my side has probably been a helpful factor. At least he hasn't had to save me from any imaginary vampires since that night. I much prefer being held peacefully by him.

My dreams are either pleasant or nothing at all. And I know, I know, you're always dreaming, but even when I was little I used to remember my dreams. The good, the bad, the weird and the wacky. Every single one of them is still locked somewhere in my mind. Except the ones I've had since I got here. They're either good or gone. And the only way I know they're good is because I immediately tell Seth when I wake up, then go back to sleep and forget.

As is, I'm dreaming of nothing. Seth comes back into the room on his tiptoes, seeing how quickly I got into his bed when we got upstairs. He knew I'd be out like a light in no time. I peek just a little from where my face is hidden behind a mound of extra material. He's shirtless and still dripping water all over the floor. There's a burgundy towel wrapped around his waist, but other than that, it's all bare skin. More for me to enjoy. Though, I admit, I'm enjoying it bashfully. It's a little weird that I'm ogling him when he thinks I'm asleep. Not that I haven't caught him doing the same thing to me a few times. It's still a little odd. I look away once he starts getting dressed.

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