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The day of the wedding sprung up on us fast. Before I knew it, Emily had taken me into Seattle to find something nice to wear, had practiced curling my hair and doing my makeup, and had taught me how to properly dance. The last one was at Seth's request, as he wanted me not to step on his toes in high heels. Not a crazy request. Emily acted like this was the greatest offense to mankind.

We're in my room, getting me ready when Leah comes to the door.

"Come in!" we both call as she knocks. Honestly, I'm shocked to see her behind the door. She's not spent any time alone near me since I asked for her place at the wedding. "Hi, Leah!"

"Do you guys need any more clips for your hair?" she asks. Emily waves her off, not being able to speak because of the pins she's holding between her teeth. "Or anything else? Makeup?"

"I think Emily's got everything planned out. Thank you, though. You're welcome to hang out if you want," I say with a smile, not being able to turn my head to her because of Emily's grip.

I'm even further shocked when she comes to sit in front of me, studying Emily's work on my face with a careful eye. She frowns and wipes off a little excess eyeshadow with the tip of her finger before leaning back. "Seth's very excited to see you all pretty. You should've seen him trying to get ready. There's nowhere near enough room in our house for his nervous clumsiness."

I giggle at the thought of Seth stumbling around in his suit, bumping into all sorts of little things. "I can imagine."

"He looks nice though. You'll like it. Very...fancy."

"I'm sure he does. He always looks nice."

Leah rolls her eyes at me. "Right. Sure."

"He does!"

"Okay, okay. There's no fighting with you on the topic of Seth."

"True that."

"All done!" Emily announces as she places the last pin in my hair. "Come have a look!"

Leah and I share a grin before I rise and move in front of the mirror. My hair is knotted up in an elegant mess on the back of my head, with random little curls tucked in throughout. Almost like small vines in the forest. She's put tiny little silver butterflies throughout the bunch, which shine as I turn my head to look at it.

"It's so perfect," I gush as I turn back to her. "Thank you!"

"Of course," she pulls me into a gentle hug. "Let's get you down to Seth."

She rushes out of the room to make sure he's near, while Leah leads me out. She offers her arm as we reach the stairs, which I take thankfully. High heels and stairs are not a combination I have much trust or practice in.

Seth's waiting at the bottom of the stairs as his sister and I descend them. I can feel his gaze before I look back, mostly because I'm trying to watch my feet. Emily claps excitedly when I reach the bottom, when I finally look back at my boyfriend. His jaw is practically on the ground when I reach him, his eyes roaming every part of me. Leah scoffs behind me.

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