Chapter 13

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"Why was Park Jimin here?" The manager glared at the members also realising the number wasn't six. "And where's Jungkook?"

"He went with Jimin." Taehyung gritted out, "Jin hyung called him here."

The manager turned to the eldest of the boys, making him sigh as he nodded slowly, "I did, because Taehyung kept hitting Jungkook. The boy was bleeding and not even fighting back. He's had enough now."

"Are you all crazy?!" The manager yelled, "Taehyung have you lost it or what?! You hate Jimin, fine, but why do you do this to Jungkook?! Or fuck, even if you do, who the hell gave you the right to lay a finger on him! He's the agency's ace, we're already facing a lot a problem after Jimin left. Now if we lose Jungkook, it'll be because of you Kim Taehyung."

"Pd nim is coming." Yoongi sighed in between, glancing at his phone, making the rest stand alert and ready for a nice scolding.

The door opened and the man walked in, dressed in a formal suit. Just what the CEO of one of the biggest entertainment companies in Korea looks like. "Where's Taehyung?" His voice was firm as his eyes searched for the said member and stops on spotting the boy staring at his feet, "You're fired, pack your bags and leave."


"We don't want any such person in our company who doesn't know how to behave with their coworkers. What he did to Jungkook is not acceptable. So Kim Taehyung, better leave before we impose anymore allegations on you and drag you to court."

"But sir-"

"Enough Taehyung, no need to explain anything. You will post a public apology to Jungkook, Jimin and to the company and tell the fans why you're leaving." The CEO said, ignoring the tears in Taehyung's eyes as the career he worked so hard for was collapsing before him and he couldn't do anything to save it.

"He has a huge part in the fandom sir. What about his fans-"

"I know," The man nodded, "But after they come to know what he's done all this while, I doubt they'll want to be his fan then. Anyways, do as I say and get ready, you're leaving tomorrow."

Taehyung broke into a sob, shaking his head as he fell on his knees, cursing at himself for being so blind while hating Jimin that he forgot he loved his dongsaeng way more. He didn't listen to anyone and kept believing Jimin would come back at him for what he said when the boy left. But on the way of protecting himself and his members, he forgot Jimin was once a member too, his best friend, brother, and what they called family.

"I'm sorry..." He weeped, leaning down with his hand pressing on his head as he groaned loudly in frustration, wanting to kill himself for creating such a mess.

His eyes recalled the look on Jungkook's eyes how he was trying his best to find his Tae hyung back but ended up giving up when he realised he left a long time back, every day there was just more hatred and insecurity taking over Taehyung driving him crazy to the point where he couldn't see when Jungkook's tears became unbearable. The boy could've hit him back and probably harder than Taehyung did, but he didn't move an inch, all with the soul purpose of not wanting to hurt his hyung which Jimin and even the other members knew, but Taehyung failed to notice that.

"Tae," Yoongi knelt down near him, followed by the rest of the left members who were staring at the boy with empathetic eyes. "Don't worry, we'll talk-"

"No," Taehyung shook his head, glancing at the elder rapper, "I- I'll leave... Pd-nim is right, they don't need people like me..."

"Did you realise your mistake?" Jin asked softly, stroking the younger's hair as he nods. "Then we'll talk to him, don't worry. You're a member of BTS and our brother."

"I don't deserve this hyung... you're still here with me. I- I left even when Jimin wasn't even at fault. I just took everything so personally and kept believing that he's the bad guy... y'know when I went their they were playing with his daughter and they looked happy... then they saw me." Taehyung nibbled on his lip, crying out salty tears, staring down on the floor with guilt. "I even said bad things about that child... she barely speaks hyung, I dragged her in this too..."

"Do you wanna see them?" Hoseok asked, "You've to leave tomorrow for now, so do you wanna go see Jimin and Jungkook today? You can say sorry to them. They'll definitely forgive you, Tae. They both love you a lot."

"Yeah, I think we should do that." Namjoon nodded, "Tell us when you're ready."

"Now," Taehyung said, wiping his tears and stood up, "I don't have time to wait. I'll apologize to them first and then armys, and I'm sorry to you guys too, especially Namjoon hyung. I said a lot of shitty things to you... I'm really sorry."

"It's alright," Namjoon smiled, hugging Taehyung tightly and patted his back, "We hate seeing our maknaes like this, please just make up with each other. The hyungs are fine if the maknaes are fine."

Taehyung nodded, hugging the leader back tightly,  "I'm sorry for being like this. I'll do whatever it takes to get Jimin and Jungkookie back."


"You know you can leave her for a second and just rest." Jimin sighed, glancing at the younger sprawled on the bed with Evie, hiding her toys behind him and laughing when she would gasp, looking around and try to climb over him in search of her toys.

"I'm okay," He grinned, "Evie, where's the kitty?"

The baby blabbered something, pointing her hand towards Jungkook and glanced at Jimin who just chuckled, nodding his head at her words, "Did Kookie take it or what?" He asked and Evie nodded briefly, hitting Jungkook, making him gasp.

"Woah! Did you really understand what dad said?"

"Daddy..." Evie giggled.

"Yeah, now it's been so long Evie, say my name too..." He sighed, "Please, just try once. Say, Koo-kie,"


"No, Koo-kie"


Jungkook gasped, sitting up and smiled widely, taking her in his arms and nods, "Yeah again, Koo-kie. Don't bring daddy this time, just koo-kie."

"Koo... ie?"




"kookie" Evie giggled, staring at him with a wide smile, and Jungkook cheered loudly, kissing all over her face and lays down, hugging her tightly.

"Yes! You're my true best friend!" He grinned widely, and turned to Jimin, "Hyung did you hear that? She said kookie! She said my name!"

"Yeah, congratulations," Jimin smiled.

"Feels like I just won a daesang." Jungkook sighed deeply, "How about I take Evie? Would you mind?"

"Of course I would mind." Jimin said with a stright face, "She's mine, if you want a child, go and adopt or something."

"Will you let me adopt Evie?" Jungkook smiled mischievously.


Jungkook laughed at the deadpanned response and Jimin rolled his eyes, taking his daughter as it was time for to take a nap. He told the younger male to rest too before leaving the room.


A/N- I'm so close to jumping down a cliff man, just yesterday me and my friend were talking about the results. and oh my god, everyone is so dead. I have no idea what I'll tell my parents when they see my scores... Wish me luck please, and vote the chapter if you liked it ❤️🤧

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