Chapter 16

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It would be a lie if the boys said convincing Pd nim was easy. But when they sticked together, assuring Taehyung's mistake won't repeat and the boy regretted his actions now, also being one of the most successful artists under Hybe, Pd nim couldn't help but give in. However there were many new laws and conditions for him which Taehyung agreed to at once, happy that he won't have to leave his brothers because of his stupid actions out of jealousy and insecurity.

Taehyung hugged Jimin tightly, then Jungkook, thanking the boys for still having faith in him. He signed his contract with tears brimming his eyes, thanking god for giving such great friends who faught everything for him. 

"Jimin," Taehyung turned to his friend, handing him the pen, "Please come back, BTS isn't BTS without you."

"I told you Tae, I can't..."

"Please hyung, we'll help you with everything. I'll babysit Evie whenever I can. You can call me at night, or morning or afternoon. But please join BTS again." Jungkook said.

"I'll be a fan and watch you guys, I'll cheer for you when you perform and book the first seat in the concerts for me and Evie. But please don't ask me to do this, I don't have the energy to leave you all again. It hurts too much,"

"Boys!" Their manager's voice filled in as the door was pushed open and came in a happy man, "You're nominated for the Grammys!"

"What?" The boys frowned, staring at the manager who smiled and nodded, showing his phone to the leader first who then confirmed the news for the rest.

"It was today?" Jin blinked a few times.

"God! We forgot about this!" Hoseok gasped.

"My goodness! This is the best news we can get right now!" Jungkook smiled, joining the group hug, while Jimin smiled, standing aside, next to manager, shaking hands with him.

"Jimin," Namjoon called, "come, why are you standing there?"

Jimin smiled softly, hugging Namjoon, "Congratulations, I'm really happy for you guys." He said.

"No, you should be happy for us." Jungkook said, "—means including you."

"I'm not a member, Jungkook. It's your nomination."

"No, come on! Don't say that hyung. You wanted this too right?"


"What happened Jimin?" The manager asked, "Is it something about the fans?"

Jimin shrugged slowly, "Well, not entirely, but yes. I doubt they'll accept me again after how I left everything in the middle without a solid explanation. Also, my daughter is still very young to be left alone. That's why I don't think I can do this again. I just came for Taehyung today... and it's time for me to get going."

"Your daughter," Sejin nodded slowly, placing his hand on Jimin's shoulder and smiled a little, "If it were a few months back, I would've reacted very differently. But seeing your bond with the boys, I can't bring myself to not like you Park Jimin. You've always been asset for the group and the company, and you're really strong. It would be stupid of us if we let go of a man like you, please join BTS again. Your fans will love you once they know the whole the truth."

Jimin stared at his feet, not knowing what to say, letting the silence take over. So the manager continued, "We'll hire a babysitter for your daughter, all seven of you can have weekends off. You've been working nonstop for eight years, that's really hard to do and you deserve it."

"I have a babysitter," Jimin confessed, "It's just really conflicting right now... I never thought I'll be here again like this,"

"I understand that, but we can assure you Jimin nothing wrong will happen. You have your boys, the agency will support you, your fans love you— It'll be fine."

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