Chapter 33

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Why am I struggling to open my eyes, and why does my body feel so cold?

My words are flowing through my mind yet I can't seem to grasp what's happening to me.

As my eyes open fully, all the events of last night flood my mind in quick succession.
From mine and Eden's birthday, to shifting, our party, Jess, the attack on our pack and the sting of a needle in my neck.
I move my face to the side and realise I'm laying down on what feels like a concrete floor. So at least I now know why my body feels so cold.
My head is pounding and my body feels like a lead weight as I push up to my knees and in to the sitting position, with my back now resting against the disgusting wall behind me.
Resting my head back I take a few deep breaths. As soon as I do I immediately regret it. 
The putrid smells of blood, vomit and sweat fills my nose making me want to gag.

Focusing around me to take my mind off throwing up I can see I'm in an underground cell. Those assholes must have chucked me in here when they knocked me out with the wolfsbane injection they gave me.
It's dark in here, with the only light coming from the dim overhead strip light.
I can't really tell in this light but I'm guessing there must be about eight other cells and the mumble I just heard from the furthest cell tells me that there is someone else down here with me.
There is a long corridor which I assume leads to the exit and a table just to the right of my cell door, where a guard is situated.

I crawl up from the floor grabbing on to the bars of the cell I'm in, only to let go quickly when they burn the skin on my hands and I fall back to the ground with a loud groan. Completely ignored by the guard that's still sitting motionless.

Shit, the cell bars must be made of silver, and as I look down at my now burnt hands, I know I'm right.
Still feeling groggy I sit back down leaning my back against the bloodstained wall again.
I think back to what I can last remember, as I'm thinking about it I go to rest my thumping head in my hands. Remembering just in time that if the wolfsbane is still in my system it won't allow my wolf to heal me.
I pull my hands away quickly staring at them and see I'm right. Blisters cover my palms and now realising the blisters are there they hurt like hell.
Meaning some of the wolfsbane must still be in my system.

Well that's shit luck for me.

After a while of being slumped against the wall, and my mind going in over drive to come up with an escape plan, I still can't think of any good ideas. Everywhere I look, there's a hurdle I can't seem to overcome, and the worst part about it is, I'm sure after being locked up in here for so long my senses are getting immune to the lingering smells in this hell hole.
To lost in my own thoughts, I don't even hear the footsteps coming my way. I don't hear the clicking of the lock on my cell door, indicating that someone is about to enter. Until it's to late.
Lifting my head up in his direction, I can already tell who he is. His aura screams Alpha. Not just any Alpha. The Alpha of the rogues. I might not be an Alpha but I am a Beta. Still high enough in the ranks to not bow down to easily to someone like him.

This should be fun.

"Well hello there boy." Logan says looking down at me with a sick smirk on his face. "How are you enjoying your stay?"

In that split second I decide to have two plans. The first one is to ignore him and see how that goes. Anyone that knows an Alpha also knows they don't like to be ignored. I learn't that from Nic, when I ignored him once. Never again. But he's my friend and I respect him, not like this dipshit in front of me.

The second is my last resort plan. Fighting my way out of here. Not sure how that will go. But I do have a fair idea, and I'm pretty sure it won't go in my favour.

I will admit they are not the best plans in the world but in my defence, I haven't got many options.

"Don't make me repeat myself boy. I won't tolerate disrespect."

I push my luck and still stay silent.

"Answer me!"

Trying to erase any emotions I might be showing on my face, I continue to stare up at him, not breaking my eye contact.
The disrespect in not submitting must be slowly getting to Logan. I can see clearly the small patch of fur sprouting on the back of his hands as his wolf get's angrier with me, making me smirk.

Well that was easier than I thought it would be to piss him off.

Still holding my head up, that could be mistaken for a challenge, my smirk falters a little when I see Logan's eyes.
They are flickering between his normal colour to the deepest red. The small piece of fur on the back of his hands that I could see a minute a go is spreading. The fur spreading up his arms and disappearing under the cuff of his sleeve. I am in the perfect spot to see it as I'm still sat on the cell floor looking up at him.

Logan's wolf is coming out to play and I think I'm in trouble.

A sly smirk crosses Logan's face, "You know why my cell's are underground boy?"

I still don't answer.

"Because no one can hear you."

Scratch that...I think I'm in big trouble.

Without hesitation he grabs me by the throat, dragging me up off the floor.
My eyes go wide as the shock of his sudden movement registers with me, which makes Logan's smirk grow bigger.

It only occurs to me now when it's to late, that I've been provoking a wild beast and the look in his eyes as he stares me down tells me he's had enough.

My shocked expression doesn't last long when I feel the stabbing pain in my stomach.
It takes me a second to feel the gush of liquid run down my abdomen and even less to smell the strong scent of blood that fills the air.

Logan extracts his wolf's claw from my stomach at the same time he throws me back in to the silver bars on the other side of my cell.
As he walks out of my cell he stops and I hear him shout to the guard on duty to get another injection of wolfsbane.

I can hear my wolf Luca whimper in my mind knowing that the wolfsbane is going to overpower him again.

Crawling up to my hands and knees, I turn to Logan to see he's already watching me.

"That was more fun than I thought it would be, boy," Logan smirks. "I can only imagine how much fun I'm going to have with your sister too." With that last comment, he turns and walks out slamming the door shut.

My heart beats so fast I can hear the thumping in my ears. What the hell does he mean by that?

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