Chapter 46

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I don't think Eden realises the length of my possessiveness towards her.

Would I sacrifice my men to save her?


Would I sacrifice myself to let her live?


I absolutely would without question, without thought and definitely without remorse.

She is my entire fucking world, and as selfish as it sounds I couldn't live without her even though I would be selfish enough to make her live without me.

When the words left her mouth that she wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice her life for me or my warriors, it was like she had literally reached in to my chest and punched me in my heart.

It was one thing that I had to bring her along to this battle when all I had wanted was to leave her back at the packhouse where she would be safe. But now she was willing to give up her life if needed and that was something I wasn't going to allow.

I finally give the command for the first group to shift.
My plan is to have two groups. The first being led by myself and Eden because I need her close to me.
The other group which is slightly smaller than the one I'm leading, I've left behind to follow us when I give the signal. I'm hoping if I have planned it right, they will come in with new energy and destroy the remaining rogues.

As we shift we make our way to the rogues border, I give the nod for some of my men to kill the patrolling rogues before we continue on.
Slowly and carefully we make our way further on to their territory and I know for a fact it won't be long before Logan will know we're here.
Like me as Alpha he will know instantly when a pack bond is broken and as I have given the go ahead the alarm will soon be raised.

I look back over my shoulder as the first rogue is slaughtered. My head whipping around making sure Eden is still by my side. I see Jasper hasn't left her side either, which I am actually grateful for. As I do, I hear the alarm ring out as thunderous howls fill the air.

They know we're here.

Game on fuckers.

I growl through the mindlink to my warriors, 'Kill them all.'

Shadow rips the throat out of the first rogue that comes our way.
My wolf takes little time to dispose of the next four too.
Shadow is strong and ruthless just like I am, so we are the perfect killing machine.

More rogues come from every direction as I try my hardest to keep an eye on Eden. Her white wolf is easy for me to see, which makes me worry that Logan will spot her just as easily.

I see up in front of me stands a line of rogue wolves, their eyes completely focused on my mate.
Two of them step forward unaware I'm watching their every move.

I quickly turn my head still keeping a close eye on her, as she rips the head off one flinging it to the side.

This is the first time I've seen her wolf Mara fight. She is stronger than I thought she would be, which temporarily paralyses me while I watch her with pride.

She's breathtaking as the purple within her eyes get darker the more she gets angry.

I don't know if she senses me watching her but as she turns to face me I'm in awe as I watch the deep purple colour of her eyes change to a bright lilac.

'Like what you see handsome?'

Her delicate voice says through our link.

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