Chapter 12:

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Snake crouched down next to the bleeding man and examined his nose. "Okay. Don't worry your nose isn't broken it will have a slight bruise for the next few days but other than that you will be fine."
Alex sighed letting out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. He stood up to take his plate then he turned the man who he had accidentally hit in the face earlier. Crash! Alex dropped his plate in shock at the person standing before him.
The Sergeant!
"Office now." The Sergeant muttered to the boy. evidently trying to keep himself from losing his temper with the teenager in front of him. Alex politely nodded his head to acknowledge the Sergeant's order before following the older man out of the room.
*Tom's POV*
As soon as Alex was called over to sit with the SAS soldiers I knew that all the students would make it their mission to find out why Alex was so special and why the soldiers wanted to talk to him so often. Then just after I thought it couldn't get any worse, we saw the Sergeant walk over to Alex and get hit in the face...
Everyone will now definitely be suspicious of Alex and it won't be long before all his secrets are revealed.
*Back to the story*
Once Alex had left the breakfast hall with the Sergeant everyone except Tom was whispering about what just happened. Even K-unit were shocked by the boy's quick reflexes and wondered what has happened to him that made him constantly alert and prepared for any danger.
*In the Sergeant's office*
When they both entered the office Alex stood near the door trying to be as respectful as he could towards the Sergeant considering he had just accidentally hit him in the face and made his nose bleed.
The Sergeant motioned to Alex to sit down in the chair opposite his desk before sitting opposite him.
"I'm so sorry sir. I really didn't mean to hit you my reflexes kicked in and I didn't realise what I was doing until after I had hit you." Alex stated in a quiet voice breaking the silence.
The older man examined the boy sitting opposite him before asking with a hint of concern in his voice "are you okay Cub?"
Alex was at a loss for words at the unexpected question. He had expected to be yelled at and punished considering he had almost broke his superiors nose. "I- I'm fine sir." Alex stuttered in response.
"Don't lie to me Cub! I know something bad has happened I know you're not okay. You have changed a lot in a year and I don't just mean your appearance. When I look at you I see the face of a soldier who has returned for war. Your eyes look like they have seen too much and you constantly believe you are in danger! And most of all you're still a teenager! You should be worried about school, exams and your friends, not be worrying if you're in danger or if someone is trying to take over the world. So don't tell me your fine Alex?"
The boy looked at the Sergeant in utter shock he never realised how much MI6 had taken over his life. He never knew that so many people cared about him and knew he would never be the same again.
One thing that hit the boy like a brick wall was the fact that the Sergeant had referred to him as Alex and not Cub. He never did that. Not to anyone no matter who they were! He couldn't believe that the Sergeant cared about him so much.
With that thought fresh in his mind the Sergeant dismissed him and he trudged back to the barracks to join his class for the first aid training activity with Snake and Eagle.
(A/N - Thank you so much for reading. Happy New Year Everyone!)

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