Oneshot 17 [M.I.N.E] 🔞

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Ship: Heeseung × Jay

This is a smut, and yes, you may request them. Requested by wonwonsbbyg ! Enjoy~


"Jay? What's wrong-" Heeseung's question was cut off when Jay grabbed his hand, hard, and threw him onto his bed, locking the room's door.

"What's wrong? Oh, my sweet, sweet, angel..." Jay chuckled, bitterness dripping in each syllable.

He walked to Heeseung who had sat up on the edge of the bed, agonisingly slow and grazed his finger on the older's jawline before gripping his jaw harshly, forcing him to look up.

"You don't know who you belong to, do you?" Jay whispered, inching closer to the boy on the bed, hot breath fanning over his ear as Heeseung shivered.

Oh, Heeseung thought, was it Yeonjun?


"Baby, do you want to watch a movie with me?" Jay asked, poking his head into Heeseung's room door.

"Heh, sorry Jay-ah, I promised Yeonjun hyung I'd meet up with him today. Maybe next time?" The older apologised, smiling sheepishly at Jay, eyes darting back to the mirror later, fixing his hair.

Jay glanced at the older, now that it wasn't so cold, his lover was back to wearing his skinny jeans that hugged his slim legs perfectly and was that his white hoodie?

"Okay sure, you better make it up to me!" Jay replied, gaze still on Heeseung.

The said boy walked closer to him, giving him a short peck on the younger's lips and was about to pull away when Jay wrapped his arm around Heeseung's small waist.

The older stumbled a bit, hands now on Jay's chest to balance himself.

Jay leaned down again and connected their lips for a kiss, his grip on Heeseung's waist tightening, pulling him even closer.

His hand went lower down the older's back to his ass and gave it a light squeeze to which the latter let out a small gasp, allowing Jay to slip his tongue inside his mouth.

Before the kiss could escalate further, Heeseung placed his hand on Jay's shoulder, pushing him away lightly.

"Sorry Jongseong-ah, but I got to go, I promise to spend time with you though!" Heeseung smiled, lips kiss-bitten and swollen.

Jay reluctantly pulled his arm away from his spot on Heeseung's waist, watching him slide out of his hold and to the door step.

"Your bae won't spend time with you, huh?"

Jay looked back when he heard his dear friend's voice.

"Oh shut it, Sunghoon. It isn't like you spend time with him more than I do."

Sunghoon leaned against the door frame, hands crossed on his well-built torso.

"Yeonjun Hyung's been going through some relationship hurdles, I don't think Heeseung hyung will be available any time soon. Which means...I can challenge you to the game of FIFA!" Sunghoon exclaimed, grinning slyly.

"Oh yeah? Bet." Jay replied, throwing himself onto the couch and grabbed his controller.

"It's on!"

Heeseung Ship Prompts/Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now