Oneshot 15. [Flower Boy]

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Ship: Heeseung × Niki

Just a little book promo! I recently fell in love with cokacafee 's 'Hands to myself'! It's a heeki book, two published chapters! Please give it some love~

This just came to my mind and since its New year, treat this as a gift!

Heeki has also been hitting off lately, going on dates so here we have it~


Lee Heeseung.

There was something special about Lee Heeseung.

Niki always thought that Heeseung was interesting.

From the very moment that they met at the beginning of the school year, there was something about Heeseung that commanded attention.

Niki's attention.

There was something about Heeseung that was special. There was something simply captivating.

Something difficult to directly pinpoint but was simply eye-catching. There was a particularly special air to him-something in the way he carried himself-that always seemed to catch Niki's attention, no matter where he was.

If Lee Heeseung was in the room, somehow, Niki's eyes would always find themselves drawn to him.

Maybe it was the fact that Lee Heeseung was pretty.

Maybe it was simply that he was pretty. The prettiest boy in their school.

And because he was so pretty, he was set on one task: he was going to ask the prettiest boy in the school out to the school dance.

It was nerve-wracking.

Niki fumbled with the bouquet of flowers in his hands. He practiced this in the mirror a hundred times before he stepped onto campus, today.

He practiced it in his bedroom mirror so many times before he even decided that he had the guts to ask Heeseung to the school dance.

But when he was finally faced with the actual task of acting on his ambitions, Niki found his feet rooted to the tiled floors outside of Heeseung's classroom.

He could hear the teacher's words slowly quiet to a stop as he announced the assignments for the weekend. Niki knew that the class was ending soon. He knew that he didn't have much time to think to himself.

He had to make a decision and he had to do it before the first person stepped out of the older's classroom.

Towering the whole school with his sharp features, there wasn't a chance that Heeseung wouldn't spot him from inside the classroom.

It was impossible to hope that he still had a chance to run away if he couldn't swallow his nerves by the time the quickest footed student stepped out of the classroom.

Niki swallowed hard and stared at the floor.

He recalled Jake's reassuring words and he gripped the bouquet of flowers in his hands. he could feel the way his hands were clammy.

What if Heeseung could feel the sweat on the stems of the flowers if he accepted the flowers?

Niki cringed at the mere thought of it.

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