Chapter 1

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Life was mundane as a butler.

Yes, he knows that he should act more frightened, panicking and running around like a headless chicken, but who cares?

I guess at first he did, but no, not anymore.

He was fairly calm.


"Hans what has gotten into you?" The maid quickly followed him to the bathroom, where she saw him staring blankly at the mirror.


"Hans? Is everything alright? " She cautiously approached him, afraid to frighten the clearly stressed-out young man.


Okay, this is very worrying. What happened to the cheerful and bright butler she knew?


"Hans?! "


'Yes, fairly calm.'

Living in this new world was great. He had a place to stay, delicious food to eat, and even a great salary.

All in all, everything was great and a smooth sail.


"Ah, Young Master Cale, it seems that you are doing well, might I- "


He could hear people gasping from shock and worry behind him, but he was quick to ignore them.

"Get out."

" Oh but young master, it is my duty to-"

" I said, get the fuck out."

"As you wish," He quietly left and closed the door softly before other servants quickly came near him and started to inspect if he had any injuries.

" HANS! Are you okay? Are you hurt? " They ask in worry.

"Oh, I'm fine. Young Master-nim didn't hit near me this time, so I don't have any scars or am I soaking," he cheerfully smiled, attempting to assuage their fears.

"Still... young master Cale has really good aim, doesn't he?" he admired.

"Hans, if you want, I can switch with you," offered his worried co-workers.

" Oh, no, no, it's alright. I like doing my job and I'm good at dodging. "

He really was. He was one of the best in dodgeball back in his day.

'Oh, the good old days when he would still willingly participate in sports activities.' He reminisced with a nostalgic expression, which the others misinterpreted as a look of resignation to be the new target practice of their young master.

The other exchanged worried looks.

'Did Hans... Turn suicidal?' They all looked mortified at the thought.

The Reader who became a ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now