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In the peaceful courtyard of the mansion, Hans found himself surrounded by the adorable cat tribe children, On and Hong, and the mighty baby dragon, Raon. As a butler, Hans was used to attending to the needs of the noble guests, but serving these young ones felt like a whole different adventure.

On and Hong, with their pointy ears and fluffy tails, were the epitome of cuteness, but Hans couldn't help feeling a bit intimidated by their feline features (A/N: Hehehe this will be explained in another extra in the future). However, he didn't want to let his fear get in the way of his duty, so he mustered up his courage and approached them with a warm smile.

"Hello, On and Hong. Is there anything I can do for you today?" Hans asked, trying his best to sound confident.

On, purred and blinked her large golden eyes at Hans. "We want to play, but we're hungry too."

Hans smiled, relieved that they only wanted food. "Ah, I see. How about some freshly baked apple pies? I can make some."

Raon, the baby dragon, flapped his little wings and puffed out his chest proudly. "Yes, I, Raon, the mighty and great dragon, demand apple pies!"

Hans chuckled at Raon's adorable demand and quickly got to work in the kitchen, preparing the sweet treats. 

As Hans started preparing the apple pie in the kitchen, he was surprised to see Raon, On, and Hong eagerly offering their help. Their determination to assist him was too adorable to resist.

"Ah, you three want to help too?" Hans chuckled, ruffling Raon's tiny head affectionately.

"Yes, we will show you the power of our teamwork, Carrot human!" Raon proclaimed, puffing his chest proudly.

On and Hong nodded enthusiastically, their tails swishing with excitement. "We can wash the apples!" On suggested.

"And I can help with the dough!" Hong added, trying to mimic Hans' confident tone.

Hans couldn't resist the sight of the children's enthusiasm, and his heart swelled with affection for them. He felt like an older brother guiding his adorable siblings in the art of baking.

"All right, teamwork it is!" Hans declared with a warm smile. "Raon, you can wash the apples with your water magic. Be careful not to make them too soggy, okay?"

"Understood, Carrot human!" Raon replied with a determined expression.

Meanwhile, On and Hong happily took their positions at the sink, carefully washing the apples under Hans' watchful eye.

"You're doing great, On and Hong!" Hans praised them, earning delighted smiles from the cat tribe children.

With Raon's magic and the two cat tribes' assistance, the apples were soon clean and ready to be sliced. Hans showed them how to cut the apples into thin, even slices, and they followed his instructions with utmost focus.

"Now, the dough!" Hans said, rolling out the pastry with finesse. "Hong, you can help me with this part. Carefully spread the dough and press it into the pan."

Hong nodded and mimicked Hans' actions, trying his best not to make a mess. On the other hand, Raon used his magic to keep the dough from sticking to the rolling pin, making the process smoother.

As they filled the pie with the sliced apples and sprinkled a generous amount of cinnamon and sugar, Hans couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in his little team.

"You guys are doing amazing!" he praised them, and they beamed with happiness.

Finally, it was time to put the pie into the oven. Hans carefully slid it in, and Raon used his magic to make a small fire to help with the baking process.

The aroma of the baking pie filled the air, and the excitement among the children was palpable. They gathered around the oven, eagerly waiting for the pie to be done.

When the timer finally chimed, announcing that the pie was ready, Hans carefully took it out and placed it on the counter. Raon, On, and Hong watched with anticipation.

"Now comes the best part," Hans said, cutting the pie into slices and serving it on plates for everyone.

As they all sat down to enjoy the delicious apple pie, Hans couldn't help but feel a profound sense of happiness and contentment. 

Meanwhile, Cale and Choi Han watched from a distance, amused by the wholesome scene unfolding before them. They had become a close-knit family, and seeing Hans interact with the children warmed their hearts.

On, Raon and Hong's eyes widened in delight, and they eagerly took a bite, their faces lighting up with joy.

"Mmm, these are delicious, Hans! Nya," On exclaimed, her tail swishing happily.

Hong nodded in agreement, his cheeks stuffed with the delectable treat. "Yesh, vewy yummy!"

Raon, trying to maintain his dignified image, nodded approvingly. "Yes, they are passable, carrot human."

Hans couldn't help but laugh at Raon's critique, finding the baby dragon's attempt at being serious utterly endearing.

Meanwhile, Ron and Beacrox had joined the group, and Beacrox couldn't resist trying a piece of the apple pie as well. He took a bite, and his eyes widened in surprise.

Hans seeing this suddenly felt nervous. "Is it good?" he asked while nervously twirling his fingers. Beacrox quickly regained his stoic feature, "Mmh, it's okay." But it was enough to make Hans blush, feeling a surge of happiness at being praised by the stoic chef.

At that moment, Eruhaben, the ancient dragon with elf-like features, arrived on the scene. He had a tsundere personality, but everyone knew he had a soft spot for the kids and Hans.

"Ahem, what is all this commotion about?" Eruhaben asked, trying to act nonchalant.

Cale smirked, knowing the truth about the wise dragon's affection for the little ones. "Hans baked some apple pies for On, Hong, and Raon."

Eruhaben tried to hide his interest but couldn't resist taking a bite. His eyes widened in surprise as he savored the delicious treat. "Hmm, not bad. I suppose they're acceptable."

Hans couldn't help but smile, feeling proud of his baking skills. He had won the approval of the entire group, including the tsundere dragon.

As the children happily devoured the apple pies, the adults exchanged glances, cherishing the wholesome and heartwarming scene before them. They knew that these moments of joy and love were what made their unconventional family so special.

And so, in the warm embrace of the courtyard, the troublesome butler, adorable cat tribe children and the mighty baby dragon, savored the simple joy of good food and even better company, creating memories that would last a lifetime. The courtyard was filled with laughter, joy, and the love that only a family can share, and in that moment, Hans knew he had found his place among these wonderful, adorable, and kind-hearted beings.

(Oh gosh I wasn't suppose to update this but I couldn't resist I wanted fluff to ease the stress I am experiencing right now because of my coming exam. Hope you all like it hehe and thank you for reading and voting.


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